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Karth Lake Improvement District Board
Karth Lake Agendas
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10/22/2021 10:34:00 AM
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10/22/2021 10:33:51 AM
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C. The City has allowed development around the lake without sufficient <br />requirements for handling runoff from impervious surfaces. This caused the <br />runoff into the lake to increase significantly. And because the lake has no outlet <br />and a clay (impervious) bottom, there has been a significant rise in the lake level <br />above historic levels. This in turn caused the need for the pumping system. <br />Therefore, the City should pay for all or most of the repairs. <br />D. Everyone in the Karth Lake Watershed benefits from having the lake there to <br />receive runoff from their properties, therefore, everyone in the watershed should <br />pay for the improvements. <br />E. If lake levels are not controlled the erosion will cause trees to die and fall into the <br />lake. This will cause erosion of the shoreline. This in turn will cause progressive <br />erosion up the hills and undermine homes and other structures. The lake would <br />be shallowed by the erosion which would cause it to become eutrophic and turn <br />into a wetland. Property values would fall as would tax receipts. <br />F. Was there protection for the pump if the intake gets plugged with weeds and <br />debris? Or does it run dry and burn out it’s bearings? How was the intake <br />protected to prevent plugging? We were told by representatives of RCWD and <br />HR Green that plugged filters are a constant problem with lake fountains and <br />bubblers. <br />G. Unlikely that there a legal basis for charging residents for improvements on <br />parkland of a structure erected by city. <br />H. For erosion control, consider such as use of geogrid, plantings and trees to prevent <br />erosion instead of or in concert with building a stronger wall. <br />I. The Board decided to defer final recommendations until Todd has had a chance to <br />determine costs. <br />J. The Board decided to meet again in December to review the data that that Todd <br />has gathered by then so we can come to a final recommendation in time to enable <br />Todd to order and receive the pump and other items to permit a resumption of <br />pumping in the spring. <br />K. The Board decided to begin a formulating a long-term strategic plan to identify <br />and fund projects to maintain and improve Karth lake water quality. <br /> <br />5.2 2019 Excess Weed and Debris Removal Project: Results – Gary Gerding <br />This is a report of the process, scope, results, donations and costs of the 2019 removal of <br />excess weeds and debris from Karth Lake. This was made possible by resident donations <br />to maintain and improve Karth Lake water quality and appearance. As a result of <br />resident support, volunteer time and donations over the last 13 years we made and <br />maintained significant improvements in Karth Lake. The dissolved phosphorus and the <br />algae it feeds have been reduced and maintained over 30% and 50% respectively. <br /> Water clarity has more than doubled from under 1 meter to over 2 meters on <br />average. According to Rice Creek Watershed District data, Karth Lake is one of the <br />few lakes in the Twin Cities that has actually improved over the last 13 years. <br /> Because of increasing average temperatures and watershed runoff, we will have to <br />continue working to improve the lake to maintain our gains. <br />
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