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Karth Lake Improvement District Board
Karth Lake Agendas
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10/22/2021 10:34:13 AM
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10/22/2021 10:34:05 AM
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1,0 <br />. . s}o· <br />KA'iffTH LAKE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BYLAWS <br />Estabiis�m:ertt ofBoarcl ofDirecttirs; The Karth Lake lmprovemehtDistrid was established pursuant to Order of the City Council dated the 29th day of September, 2003 . <br />. Contp'e>;sitiOn, (>f Board .of Directors. The Karth Lake lmprdvement. DistrictEfoatd df . Directors shall consist of five, members initially appointed by th·e Araen HiHs City Col.mdl . at1tl thertiafter elected by qualifietJ voters and owners of propettywithin the Karth Lake ···lni13fove'rrtent,D'i!:i-trict-Boa·rtJMemoers shalFreside withih-the-Gifyc of-ArdenHills, A-·······majority bf the' board meml5ets shall own property wifhih the Karth Lake ImprovementDistrict <br />Tetrt:fs O{Offi:ce, Board members shalrbe elected for a term of th'reeyears. The firstappointed Boafd ofDiredors shall be composed of two members whose terms expire ohu,e-31 stdayo(Decembe�,2004; two memberswhoseterms expire on the 31 st dayof be-cember,:20'05 ;_a-nd•one.member Wh6se term expires On the 31 st day of December, 20b6. Board ·members shallbe ·elected at the annual meeting by-a majority of the votes ca·st\!otirJg shall be by secret ballot ·Absente·e·ballotsshall be received aftheoffices of · · '.the Arde'r'1 Hills City Admihistrator; .1245 west Highway 96, Arden Hills, MN, no later than3:oo p.m.)i:Jn·the date oftne annual meeting or such ballots shall be void; <br />·,va�i-?·cie�; f 8l��\:a'se ?f •a yacancY dUridg the terrh.of ·a .• Bcfa'tcl' rhemb�r, .a majority.of '• . theremairiing Bbard memoersshall declare. a. vacancy ana �3' ppbirifa hew: memoer Who•. · shall �erv� U'nfil' the next annual meeting of the Karth Lalse lhiprbVethent District. A vacancy �hall exisfif ahy office followi·ng events occur: <br />b�kth··df a'i3oa'rti member; . . <br />lri�bilityto·#eri6rm ftieduties df a·soard member;· <br />l=aiidr� of a· sciard member to attend at least eight (80% y percent of the meetirigs: d'r; <br />·Lbss 'cit City, r�sidehcy by a Board member or sale of q\i�'lifyihg property withinth�:Karth·L,ake Improvement District."· , .. . . · .. �. . Otgatdl�tib'n;'ThJ\·sbard (jf[)irettors Shall annually efebt b�e· member to serve as . chaitp'etst:>h. flie chairperson is respohsible tor the agenda oftne·me·etiiigs, presiding at•·· m�'etings,rnfn·utes-Of'rii'eetings, ahd_ tep'brts ahdtecom.rn'ena�fidns'fo the City.Couhdl. TheArden Hills o·perations and Maintenancebe11artmenf shall 'maintain all records of .. the Board'. ... :;'·•,•' . <br />. Meeung�abd.Repdrts. The. Boafdof Directors shall hold atlea'st one annual meetihg.·The first aiihual meeting of the elected Board shall be held during the month of April ahd in eac:h_April thereafter unless changed by vote at an anhual meeting. The Board shall adopt Rules of Procedure for business and shall keep a public record 6f all motions, resolutions , findings, minutes and reports which shall b e in writing and a copy f orWarded fo tHe City Couhcil.
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