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4.1.2 Funding Recommendations of City Council and KLID Board. Todd reported <br />that at the Nov. 18, 2019 Working Meeting of the City Council the following plan was <br />agreed upon: <br /> <br />1. The Residents on Karth Lake should pay for the replacement of the pump and <br />repair of the Control Panel through assessments over the 2 years of 2021 and <br />2022. [Gary calculates that to be about $310 total per resident for Option <br />1($13,002/42) or $155/yr. for two years.] The City will finance the initial costs so <br />the pump and control panel can be replaced/repaired by spring. Mayor Grant said <br />he felt the Council was adamant in believing the residents should pay for the <br />pump and control panel repair/replacement. <br />2. The City will take responsibility for stabilizing the slope and controlling erosion. <br />Todd pointed out that this is critical because the control panel and force main <br />could collapse if the existing structure continued to erode. <br />3. The City will continue to cover the cost of operating the pump, installing it in the <br />spring and removing it in the fall. <br /> <br />Susan Johnson said the City should realize all the hours and dollars the Karth Lake <br />Residents have donated each year to maintain and improve Karth Lake. This includes <br />donations to the K. L. Fund for removal of excess weeds and debris every year, <br />monitoring water quality every two weeks when the lake is open and stocking predator <br />fish to control algae as needed. <br /> <br />Gary said the residents contributed $6,600 in 2019 for removal of excess weeds and <br />debris as they have done every year since 2014 (costs were somewhat less in previous <br />years due to lower labor costs). <br /> <br />The Board said they were frustrated by the lack of action by the City in making the <br />necessary improvements to the watershed despite repeated requests ever since the South <br />West Urban Lakes Study done by the RCWD specifically recommended specific actions <br />to do so, e.g., BMP #1. <br /> <br />Todd said they would apply for two grants from the RCWD before the end of the year <br />deadline. One to stop erosion by the retaining wall and one to reduce erosion from the <br />parking lot runoff. Both grant applications require a 50 percent local match. <br /> <br />5. The balance of the agenda was tabled until the next meeting because it was late, and <br />two board members had to leave for other commitments. <br /> <br />6. The next meeting will be in January 2020. Todd and Gary will coordinate with the <br />Board to find a date when a conference room is available and most members can attend. <br /> <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Gary Gerding, <br />Secretary <br />