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8. Nursery Hill Lane Raingarden Design and plantings <br />9. Adopt-a-Drain Program <br /> <br />4.2.2. Approved Additions to website - Board <br />5. NEW BUSINESS <br />5.1 Plan process for next election of KLID Board Members and Officers whose terms have expired. <br /> <br />5.1.1 Plan process for announcement of election and invitation of candidates including media and message. <br />Background: The Board agreed the City should mail out an announcement of the election. Action: Kathy <br />volunteered to draft the letter. The Board will agree on the letter at the next meeting. Here is the letter Kathy <br />proposed with some additions and changes by Gary: <br /> <br />Karth Lake Neighbors, <br />This April, there will be an election of members of the Karth Lake District Improvement Board (KLIDB) <br />whose terms are expiring. The KLDIB is comprised of elected Karth Lake residents who meet four times <br />a year to determine and implement improvements to our beautiful joint backyard, Karth Lake. <br /> <br />Terms will run until: 2024 (3 members); 2023 (2 members) and 2022 (one member). Elections are every <br />April. The process is simple. Email Todd Blomstrom at and tell him <br />your street address if you would like to come to the April (Zoom) meeting and/or stand for election. At <br />the meeting, candidates will briefly present their qualifications, and everyone present at that meeting will <br />vote. There will also be an election of the Chair and Secretary for the next year. <br /> How does KLDIB help? Glad you asked! The board has worked with the City of Arden Hills, the DNR and the Rice Creek Watershed District on <br />many projects. These projects have brought the lake from borderline eutrophic (green and unpleasant) to <br />healthy. Our lake is truly a study in how thoughtful management can make a marked improvement. <br /> <br />Some examples of what the KLDIB has helped implement are: <br />• water quality monitoring program and tracking <br />• installing catch basins and rain gardens <br />• fish stocking and weed removal <br />• buckthorn removal and shoreline erosion management <br />• water level management and pump maintenance <br />Please consider joining the volunteers of KLIDB. Meetings are posted on the Arden Hills city website and <br />everyone is welcome to attend any meeting. Thanks! The Karth Lake Improvement District Board <br /> <br />5.2. Maintenance and improvement of Art Larsen Memorial Gardens – Background: Susan has worked with the <br />City and several volunteers to remove weeds from the garden and add over 100 new plants. Watering has required <br />hauling buckets of water. Action: The Board asked Todd to report whether the City sprinklers in Cummings Park <br />reach the garden and whether we could coordinate sprinkling with new plantings/dry spells, etc. <br /> <br /> 5.2.1. Sprinkler Status and Plans – David Swearingen <br /> <br />5.3 Long Term Strategic Plan Elements: Projects and Funding – Board & Staff <br /> <br /> 5.3.1. Remediation of BMP #1 Site – Background: Todd gave us an update of the status and plans at the last <br />meeting, but we did not have time for questions. Questions for Todd include: <br />1. On the figure below, do all the yellow lines indicate pipes? Please explain what each node and line <br />represent. <br /> 2. Show where BMP #1 starts and ends on this photo. <br /> 3. Are the 2 nodes east of the northmost building a low spot where filtration takes place? <br /> 4. Please explain the elements of the schematic of the Grading and Utility Plan. <br /> 5. Does the remediation include any mechanism to catch solids -- like a grit chamber — so they do not get <br />in the lake?