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<br /> <br /> <br />5.3. Report results of 2020 Removal of Excess Weeds and Debris from Karth Lake – Susan Johnson. <br />Weeds were removed from about 8,000 square yards of Karth Lake. Twenty-four of the forty-five <br />homeowners participated in the voluntary weed removal program. Donations of $7,690.00 were forwarded <br />to the Arden Hills Foundation. The cost of the weed removal was $6,875.00. <br /> <br />5.4. Report progress in maintenance and improvement of Art Larsen Memorial Gardens – Susan <br />Johnson <br />Susan has worked with the City and several volunteers to remove weeds from the garden and add over 100 <br />new plants. Watering has required hauling buckets of water. Action: The Board asked Todd to report <br />whether the City sprinklers in Cummings Park reach the garden and whether we could coordinate <br />sprinkling with new plantings/dry spells, etc. <br /> <br />5.5. Long Term Strategic Plan Elements: Projects and Funding – Board & Staff <br />5.5.1. Remediation of BMP #1 Site – Todd Blomstrom, Status and plan. <br />Status Update <br />• Project plans and specifications are nearly complete: see 2 photos below. <br />• Plan review by RCWD due to grant funding <br />• Acquisition of easements from property owner <br />• Planned bidding early spring 2021 <br />