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Page 1 of 3 <br /> <br /> PC Agenda Item - 3B <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />DATE: October 6, 2021 <br /> <br />TO: Planning Commission Chair and Commissioners <br /> <br />FROM: Jessica Jagoe, Senior Planner <br /> <br />SUBJECT: Planning Case #21-023 – No Public Hearing Required <br /> Applicant: City of Arden Hills <br />Request: Sale of City Owned Parcel at 3588 Ridgewood Road <br /> <br />Requested Action <br /> <br />The Planning Commission shall review and provide a recommendation whether a potential sale <br />of the City owned parcel at 3588 Ridgewood Road would be in compliance with the City’s <br />Comprehensive Plan. <br /> <br />Background <br /> <br />At the September 8th Planning Commission meeting, the Commission made a motion to table <br />action on this agenda item in order to seek a legal opinion from the City Attorney as to whether <br />or not conditions could be included directing the process of the land sale. Following this action, <br />City Staff contacted the City Attorney to verify the discretion allowed within this review. The <br />City Attorney has confirmed that as established by State Statute the role of the Planning <br />Commission is this instance is limited to determining whether or not the proposed sale is in <br />compliance with the Comprehensive Municipal Plan. The Planning Commission does not have <br />the authority to add conditions to direct the terms of the sale. <br />Also from this meeting, the Commission noted that Ramsey County’s GIS had shown a map <br />label of “Park” on the subject parcel. This label was populated within their mapping layers <br />under Lot Text. City Staff contacted the Assessor’s Office to research prior documentation of <br />park dedication. The County noted that it was possible they had this identifier prior to the City <br />acquiring the land and that the map was never updated, but no formal dedication was found. The <br />City Attorney has reviewed the information and questions raised by the Commission regarding <br />this map label. Their office has confirmed that a statement of purpose for which a property is to <br />be used is not sufficient to create a restrictive use covenant. Such a restriction would have <br />required language within the deed. On August 6th, the City received the completed title report <br />(Attachment C) which confirmed there are no deed restrictions prohibiting the City from selling <br />this parcel. <br />