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Page 2 of 3 <br /> <br />to remove a sentence within Commercial Façade Transparency, Section 1325.05, Subd. 8, F.1 <br />that allowed discretion for waiving the transparency requirements. The rational was that this <br />flexibility already exists through the Planned Unit Development review and a Developer could <br />suggest alternate considerations. For façade transparency, the City will continue to require 50% <br />of all first level building facades that front a public street to be comprised of transparent <br />windows or doors. The language to be removed was a second requirement of 20% for all facades <br />that are reasonably visible from the right-of-way. With the language amendments to the building <br />and parking setbacks it is anticipated that there will be fewer issues on design challenges with <br />building orientation and the back side of a building facing the public street. The proposed <br />changes still ensures that the appearance of blank walls would not face the street. Following the <br />discussion, Staff was directed to bring forward the proposed ordinance amendments to the <br />Planning Commission and to hold a public hearing. <br /> <br />Overview of Ordinance Amendments <br /> <br />Staff has prepared draft ordinance language with amended and striking of language as shown in <br />red font for your review (Attachments A and B). The following are the sections and language <br />amendments proposed: <br /> <br />• Amending – 1320.06 District Requirements Chart: <br />o Front Yard Setback requirement from 20 feet to 50 feet <br />• Amending - 1325.05 Design Standards, Subd. 8, F.1.A: <br />o Fifty percent (50%) of all first level building façades that front a public street <br />shall be comprised of transparent windows or doors in order to allow views of <br />interior uses and activities. Transparency requirement may be waived by the City <br />where privacy concerns warrant. <br />• Striking - 1325.05 Design Standards, Subd. 8, F.1. B: <br />o Twenty percent (20%) of all other first level building facades that are reasonably <br />visible from the public right of way shall be comprised of window or door <br />openings. Simulated or opaque windows may be used on service areas. <br />• Striking - 1325.05, Subd. 8, M. Parking (1) (2): <br />o Placing parking between the street right-of-way and a building shall be <br />discouraged. <br />o No more than 50 percent of the parking on a site may be between buildings or in <br />the side yards. <br /> <br />The Planning Commission should note t hat the proposed ordinance language from Section <br />1325.05, Subd. 8 applies to New Development, Redevelopment, and Modifications to Existing <br />Sites in the B-2 and B-3 District. The City Council has identified that a further review of the B-3 <br />District standards may be forthcoming. However, priority has been given to removal of outdated <br />language and modifying language with an emphasis pertinent to the B-2 District. <br /> <br />Lastly, an ordinance amendment to the Zoning Code does require a public hearing before the <br />Planning Commission. <br /> <br />Additional Review <br />N/A <br />