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x Chapel has been relocated to 4th floor, and dead space in 4th floor has been converted into a <br />unit. <br />x Within the memory care wing, we have increased the number of double units and decreased the <br />number of studios. Two studios and storage space have been converted into a triple unit. We <br />have also added a double unit in place of one of the kitchenettes. All unit types are the same as <br />were originally approved. <br />b) The plans indicate this proposal will increase the total square footage of the building by <br />2.3 percent. Please address how this will affect the building footprint and the site layout. <br />- Figure 6 in section 2 a) above shows the square footage breakdowns. The first-floor building footprint <br />square footage decreases slightly, due to how units come together in the new layout. The increased <br />square footage is primarily in the basement, within the footprint of the building. No changes are being <br />made to the site/civil plans with these adjustments in units as the building footprint has not increased.