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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — OCTOBER 18, 2021 5 <br />G. Community Development Staffing <br />City Administrator Perrault said they had received two applications for Community <br />Development Director, interviews were held but staff is not bringing a recommendation to the <br />Council. After discussion with the Personnel Committee an option would be to elevate the <br />current Senior Planner to City Planner and hire a new Senior Planner, which would leave the <br />Community Development Director position vacant. He would bring back discussion on a <br />Building Official at a later time. <br />Councilmember Holden said the Personnel Committee would want a high quality Senior <br />Planner, and she wondered about a combination City Planner/Community Development Manager. <br />City Administrator Perrault said the Community Development Manager duties had been taken <br />off of the City Planner posting, but it could be reassessed in six months to a year. He noted that <br />he has been very pleased with Senior Planner Jagoe's performance. <br />Council was in agreement to promote the Senior Planner to City Planner. <br />City Administrator Perrault said he would put the promotion on an upcoming Council meeting <br />under Consent along with the request to authorize a search for the vacancy. <br />H. Mounds View High School (MVHS) (Added by Councilmember Holmes) <br />Councilmember Holmes stated that the SRO has been directing traffic at Lake Valentine Road <br />and Fairview and that area seems to be under control. But on the west side of the property where <br />parents come out of the circle and students are coming out of the parking lot there is a traffic jam. <br />Currently the assistant principals are directing traffic. The PUD suggests that the City may require <br />them to hire the Sheriff to direct traffic instead of their staff. <br />Councilmember Holden said it is the City's liability and so they should have the Sheriff direct <br />traffic. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen noted that the improvements on that stretch <br />of road aren't complete but the newer design will have better alignment. <br />Mayor Grant felt the school should hire a Sheriff because they created the traffic problem. <br />City Administrator Perrault read the applicable section of the PUD. <br />Councilmember Holden expressed interest in having a meeting with the school, engineer and <br />Council. <br />Mayor Grant said staff could meet to review per the PUD agreement and discuss if the SRO is <br />sufficient given what they are currently experiencing. <br />Discussion ensued about getting a letter of support from Bethel University regarding the new trail <br />along Lake Valentine Road. <br />