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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—NOVEMBER 8, 2021 4 <br /> Councilmember Holmes discussed how the area would be impacted if a roundabout were <br /> installed by the County. She believed the most important thing with this project was to have a trail <br /> installed. <br /> Council consensus was to have the trail on the west side with Option 3. <br /> D. LJFD Future Fire Station Sign <br /> City Administrator Perrault stated the fire department has requested the City Council consider <br /> allowing a sign on their Pine Tree Drive site noting it is the location of a future fire station. City <br /> Code is silent on "future development" signs; however, the City Attorney noted this would be <br /> considered a Government Sign, which does not require formal approval but should be given the <br /> informal nod from the City Council. The sign would be a 4' x 8' sign that would have a rendering <br /> similar to the one below, and would note "Future Lake Johanna Fire Station Headquarters — <br /> Serving the Cities of Arden Hills, North Oaks, and Shoreview". Staff would also ensure the sign <br /> is positioned so as not to adversely affect any operations, such as, snow plowing. <br /> Councilmember Scott asked if this would be a permanent sign. <br /> City Administrator Perrault stated this sign would be temporary in nature. <br /> Council consensus was to support the "future site" sign along Pine Tree Drive for the Lake <br /> Johanna Fire Station Headquarters. <br /> E. 2022 Council Liaison and Mayor Pro Tem Appointments <br /> City Clerk Hanson stated each year, a Councilmember is appointed to serve as liaison on the <br /> various committees and commissions in the City. She explained the appointments would be <br /> brought forward to the Council on December 13, 2021. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked when the Gateway Visitor Bureau meetings would be held. <br /> City Administrator Perrault stated he understood this group met four times per year and when <br /> he had this information, he would forward it to the City Council. <br /> Mayor Grant requested the Council send him an email with their preferences for 2022 <br /> appointments. <br /> City Administrator Perrault reported staff would like direction on how to address Commission <br /> and Committee members that have exceeded their three-term limit. <br /> Councilmember Holden requested staff provide the Council with a list of members that have <br /> exceeded their term limit. <br />