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PTRC Packets (2010 to Present)
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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes October 19, 2021 <br />Page 6 <br />Staff Liaison Vaughan confirmed that Cummings and Royal Hills have yellow lines painted on <br />the tennis courts. There could be two games going at one time per court. <br />Chair Van Valkenburg said the City has two nets now, if they got two more they could have four <br />games going at once at Cummings Park. He thought the nets could be stored at Cummings and <br />brought out on a designated night. At Hazelnut they lower the tennis net slightly to work for <br />pickleball. <br />Discussion ensued regarding how pickleball courts are marked on a tennis court. <br />Chair Van Valkenburg said he would like to see music in the park and food trucks. <br />Staff Liaison Vaughan said they did have yoga in Cummings Park last summer, but it was a <br />smaller group than what comes to City Hall. <br />Committee Member Poelzer said many years ago there was an event in a park where there was <br />food and things to do under a tent, including a magician. She suggested possibly trying something <br />like that, that would be free to residents. <br />Staff Liaison Vaughan said planning for the Spring/Summer Recreation Guide takes place in late <br />January and February. They like to have it out in early March. <br />Council Liaison Grant said the items the committee wants to look should get put together to <br />present to staff for possible inclusion in the recreation guide, and that could get put into their work <br />plan. For example, the work plan could consist of reviewing the parks in summer, late summer/fall <br />they research and review what programs they have and what could get put together for staff for <br />consideration. Funding, location, parking may be issues. <br />Chair Van Valkenburg suggested they review the possibilities in November. <br />Chair Van Valkenburg noted that two new benches were placed at Crepeau Park, some were <br />fixed and reset, and buckthorn removed so the park is looking good. Bethel also fixed up some of <br />their trails. <br />5. REPORTS <br />Council Liaison Grant reported that New Perspectives Senior Living broke ground. They will be <br />building a trail that will extend as part of the system to Crepeau Park. They will be moving <br />forward with funding requests for the high school trail and getting letters of recommendation. A <br />request was granted for $500,000 for water main under Lexington Avenue when it gets <br />reconstructed which could leave money left over in the Capital Fund. The City also received <br />approximately $575,000 this year and next year that can be spent on a number of things, it will <br />probably be spent on infrastructure like sewer lining. <br />Chair Van Valkenburg said Committee Member Dietz’s employer contributed another $1,000 to <br />the Arden Hills Foundation, and he’s been using some of that money at Floral Park.
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