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09-21-21-PTRC MInutes
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Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee (PTRC)
PTRC Minutes (1999 to Present)
09-21-21-PTRC MInutes
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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes September 21, 2021 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br /> <br />Council Liaison Grant noted that the last time the City put in new playground equipment it was a <br />similar scenario where the vendor gave a grant/discount as an enticement. <br /> <br />Committee Member Beggin noted that doing a survey about a court when we don’t have one like <br />it in the community, it’s hard to know if people are interested. In some ways it would be asking <br />businesses if they are interested in partnering to help make a destination park. He thinks it’s worth <br />exploring but thought putting that much money into one location is outrageous when there are so <br />many needs of replacing equipment that is already in parks. <br /> <br />Committee Member Poelzer added that she would like to see it be little to no cost for the City. <br />She knows Boston Scientific and Land O’Lakes employees go to Cummings Park and would use it, <br />and people nearby that walk to work through the park. She’s hoping the employers would be <br />willing to donate funds. <br /> <br />4. NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br />A. Summer and Fall Recreation Update <br /> <br />Staff Liaison Vaughan reported that this summer saw a return of recreation programs. We offered <br />youth soccer, t-ball and baseball leagues, summer camps, the playground programs, tennis lessons, <br />and adult programs. We offered two events this summer, Bark & Rec Day and the Penny Carnival, <br />both were well attended. Program participant numbers vary from 2019 because programming in <br />2019 isn’t the same as what was offered in 2021 due to staffing changes in the department and <br />programs cut because of COVID. Youth soccer and flag football are currently underway. AARP <br />has cancelled all in-person activities until January 1, 2022, but they will have online classes. There <br />is a discount code on our website. <br /> <br />Committee Member Poelzer asked if the information about AARP could be put in the City <br />newsletter. <br /> <br />Staff Liaison Vaughan said it is on the top of the webstore page with a link to AARP and the <br />discount code, he can check into adding something more to the webstore. <br /> <br />Council Liaison Grant said he it would have to go through the newsletter committee and it may <br />be a timing issue. <br /> <br />Chair Van Valkenburg asked if staff could provide a list of dates when recreation guides are sent <br />out and when the committee should be thinking about programming. <br /> <br />Staff Liaison Vaughan responded that he will be working on the winter guide in early October, <br />completed and sent to the printer in late October/early November. <br /> <br />Committee Member Beggin wondered if the next meeting would be too late to discuss winter <br />programming. <br /> <br />Staff Liaison Vaughan replied that it depends on the type of programming. If it were a program <br />to partner with another city it could be too late, but if it would be an independent program they may <br />be able to manage it. They haven’t had discussions yet about ice rinks and warming houses, but he
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