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<br /> <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />distribution, warehousing, and other eligible business activities. Business must be able to locate <br />outside of Minnesota and be able to serve the same customers. Companies deemed eligible to <br />participate may receive up to $1 million for creating or retaining high-paying jobs and for <br />constructing or renovating facilities or making other property improvements. In some cases, <br />companies may receive awards of up to $2 million. <br /> <br />Business applicants for the Job Creation Fund must apply through the city. To be eligible for <br />funding, DEED requires applicants obtain a resolution of support approved by the City Council. <br />To apply for the JCF program, Project 1492 must complete the following steps: <br /> <br />1. The business and Local Government work together to complete the JCF Application. A <br />Local Government resolution in support of the project must be included. The Local <br />Government will submit the completed application to DEED. <br />2. DEED evaluates the application and notifies the Local Government and business of <br />approval or denial. If approved, DEED will formally designate the business as a JCF business <br />via an award letter and determine a job creation and/or capital investment rebate amount. <br />Awards and/or rebates of $500,000 or more require DEED to hold a public hearing prior to <br />formally designating the business as a JCF business. (Note: This project is estimated to be <br />awarded $400,000 which does not require the City to hold a public hearing.) Awards and/or <br />rebates of $200,000 or more require that construction adhere to prevailing wage rules. <br />3. The project may begin once an award letter has been signed, however no jobs created or <br />capital investment expenditures will be eligible until a Business Subsidy Agreement (BSA) <br />has been fully executed. <br /> <br />Adoption of the resolution of support does not obligate the City to approve development plans. It <br />also does not obligate the City to provide any financial incentives now or in the future. This is one <br />step in assisting the applicant with obtaining funding for the project. <br /> <br />The following is the Post-Award process: <br />4. DEED and the JCF business will enter into a BSA specifying the details of the award <br />and/or rebate to be provided after job creation and capital investment goals are met. The JCF <br />business and the DEED commissioner sign the BSA. The date of final signature is considered <br />the project Designation Date. <br />5. Jobs created and/or capital investment expenditures may be counted on or after the <br />Designation Date. <br />6. The Local Government will assist the JCF business as needed with submitting required <br />annual progress reports, payment request documentation, and other information requested by <br />DEED. <br /> <br />Findings of Fact <br /> <br />DEED requires the City Council make findings in four specific areas as part of the Resolution of <br />support. The Planning Department offers the following findings of fact for consideration: <br /> <br />1. Finding that the project is in the public interest because it will encourage the <br />growth of commerce and industry, prevent the movement of current or future <br />operations to locations outside Minnesota, result in increased employment in <br />Minnesota, and preserve or enhance the state and local tax base. <br />a. The Project 1492 investment would be approximately $13.9M to buy the <br />land/building, machinery and equipment, and real property improvements.
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