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Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee (PTRC)
PTRC Packets (2010 to Present)
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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes November 16, 2021 <br />Page 2 <br />Council Liaison Grant noted that the Council hasn’t had an official vote on the project but it will <br />be on an upcoming agenda. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen added that the project was actually for <br />improvements along Old Snelling but they had the opportunity to add the trail to the roadway <br />project. <br />Council Liaison Grant said the other discussion item was if the trail should be on the east or west <br />side. Council decided the west side because it works out more seamlessly with the existing trails, <br />but it will cross more driveways on the west. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen said it was close to a 50/50 split on which <br />side residents wanted, but most just wanted a trail no matter what side it was on. <br />Committee Member Poelzer motioned to have Committee members vote east or west side. <br />There was no second to the motion so no vote was taken. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen reported that he talked with the Park Shore <br />Senior Living construction manager, they are anticipating they will begin construction of the trail <br />with exercise stations in the spring of 2022. <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen said Public Works is starting to plan for 2022 <br />trail maintenance and repairs such as replacement, patching, fog sealing and crack sealing. So far <br />there are not any significant trail sections that will need replacement. The best way to report issues <br />is through the Request Tracker on the City website. <br />Council Liaison Grant stated the trail that goes from County Road E2 to Mounds View High <br />School has 95% completed plans so Council and staff will look for funding opportunities. <br />4. NEW BUSINESS <br />Committee Assignments (added by Council Liaison Grant) <br />Council Liaison Grant explained that in City Code there are several items that relate to <br />Committees and Commissions, one of them being the number of terms that someone can serve <br />consecutively. Someone can serve three three-year terms consecutively, which means they would <br />have to take a year off if they wanted to come back. Generally, it hasn’t been an issue, but there <br />are several committees that have members at the end of their limit. The PTRC has three members <br />that have served more than nine years. That doesn’t mean they can’t come to meetings as a <br />spectator but they need to take a break from the committee. Harold Peterson and Rich Straumann <br />are over nine years, and John Van Valkenburg is coming up to the end of his ninth year. Per City <br />Code, those three members terms will be done at the end of 2021. <br />Committee Member Finlay stated that this would also be his last meeting, and thanked everyone <br />for the great experience he has had on the committee.
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