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A change in the Scope of Services that may increase the compensation due to <br />Contractor will not be effective unless the City has given prior written approval. <br /> <br />5. Method of Payment. The Contractor must submit an itemized invoice for Work provided to <br />the owner of the property on which the services are provided. Invoices submitted for Work <br />provided to the City will be paid in the same manner as other invoices submitted to the City. <br />The Contractor must verify all statements submitted to the City for payment in compliance <br />with Minnesota Statutes Sections 471.38 and 471.391. <br /> <br />6. Audit Disclosure. The Contractor must allow the City or its duly authorized agents <br />reasonable access to the Contractor's books and records that are pertinent to all Work <br />provided to the City under this Agreement, including books and records of any approved <br />subcontractors, for six years after the effective date of this Agreement. Any reports, <br />information, data, etc. given to, or prepared or assembled by, the Contractor and its <br />subcontractors under this Agreement which the City requests to be kept confidential must <br />not be made available to any individual or organization without the City's prior written <br />approval. <br /> <br />7. Data Privacy and Security. The Contractor will take all reasonable and prudent measures to <br />ensure the security of all data that it handles in connection with the Work. The Contractor <br />agrees to comply with the applicable provisions of the Minnesota Government Data <br />Practices Act and all other applicable state and federal laws relating to data privacy or <br />confidentiality. The Contractor must immediately report to the City any requests from third <br />parties for information relating to this Agreement. The City agrees to promptly respond to <br />inquiries from the Contractor concerning data requests. The Contractor agrees to hold the <br />City, its officers, and employees harmless from any claims resulting from the Contractor's <br />unlawful disclosure or use of data protected under state and federal laws. <br /> <br />8. Document Ownership. All finished or unfinished documents, data, and reports prepared by <br />the Contractor related to Work for the City will become the property of the City upon <br />termination of this Agreement, but Contractor may retain copies of such documents as <br />records of the Work provided. Except to the extent that Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 <br />limits the City's liability, the City agrees to defend and indemnify the Contractor for any <br />claims or losses resulting from the City's use of such documents not contemplated by the <br />parties at the time of the preparation. <br /> <br />9. Term. The term of this Agreement is from the Effective Date through October __, 20__, the <br />date of signature by the parties notwithstanding. This Agreement may be extended upon