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Formulation Rates: It is the responsibility of Contractor to follow all insecticide instructions. <br />Any alterations in the formulations or equipment must be approved in advance by the city <br />forester or person designated by the City Manager. In order to remain responsive to emerging <br />research, the Contractor reserves the right to request a change in formulation rates or <br />application methods for the duration of the contract. Any such change and additional costs <br />incurred would be agreed to in written correspondence between the Contractor and the City. <br /> <br />Ash Trees: <br />1) All injections of ash trees must be with a liquid formulation of 4% Emamectin benzoate at <br />2.5-5mL per diameter inch every two years. No substitutions of the formulations shall be <br />allowed. <br />2) Determination of dosage shall be on the inches of diameter at breast height (DBH). <br />3) Injections must be made at the root flare to ensure the best distribution of the insecticide <br />throughout the tree. <br /> <br />Equipment: Contractor will provide all necessary equipment to complete the Work under these <br />specifications: <br />1) Equipment will remain in proper operating condition throughout the term of the Agreement <br />and RTC is responsible for cleaning and providing upkeep to the injection system on a daily <br />basis. Any maintenance issues or repairs are the sole responsibility of Contractor. <br />2) Treatment technicians will use a high-helix drill bit and must replace the drill bits after every <br />100 DBH inches to maintain high efficiency. Drilled holes must be the size recommended by the <br />injection equipment manufacturer. <br />3) Injection holes on ash must be drilled to a depth of approximately 1 inch below the bark to <br />maximize delivery of Emamectin benzoate into ash trees. <br />4) Emamectin benzoate will be injected into ash trees using current industry standard injection <br />systems that have efficacy data that supports their use, and follow all manufacturers’ <br />specifications. <br />5) All injected trees must be tagged with the year of injection clearly indicated on the tag. <br />Contractor shall provide tags for all injected trees. The tags must be of a design and type that <br />can persist on the tree for at least 3 years. <br /> <br />Property Access and Notification <br /> <br />Contractor shall not enter private property without having previously obtained permission from <br />the property owner. If Contractor personnel desire to enter private property to access trees on <br />a City owned property, it is their responsibility to notify the underlying property owner by <br />knocking on the door at the time of the site visit or making a phone call ahead of time. Every