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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes February 15, 2022 <br />Page 2 <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen said Ramsey County is holding a virtual <br />meeting on March 1 about the Lake Johanna Boulevard trail study. There was a previous open <br />house style meeting in the fall that was well attended. The zoom link for the March meeting is on <br />the County web site, and can be accessed through the City website. <br />B.2022 Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee Work Plan <br />Staff Liaison Vaughan said he would like Committee to finalize the work plan; what direction and <br />areas they’d like to focus on with some specific goals such as what parks they’d like to focus on for <br />buckthorn or general clean up, what trails need maintenance, etc. If anyone had things to add to <br />the draft or things they’d like to take out they could discuss. <br />Chair Hinton asked if anyone had comments on the Purpose and Mission shown on the draft <br />Work Plan. <br />Council Liaison Scott suggested changing the first sentence to say “live, work, or play”. <br />Committee Member Beggin stated that the City Vision says “live, work, and play” so it would be <br />good to keep that language for consistency. <br />Chair Hinton asked for comments on the Ongoing and As Needed section. <br />Committee Member Poelzer discussed item 3. <br />Committee Member Beggin said initially that item was so if they heard about grant opportunities <br />they would let the City Council know and possibly contribute to the writing of grants, but they <br />were never actually involved. <br />Council Liaison Scott thought it went back to a former PTRC coordinator who wrote a lot of <br />grants. He suggested leaving the item to give them more flexibility. <br />Committee Member Poelzer said she would like to review grants and be given the opportunity to <br />make suggestions. <br />Committee Member Dietz asked where the money goes that is available for trees from business <br />development agreements. <br />Council Liaison Scott said the thought the money went into the general fund but was earmarked <br />for trees. <br />Committee Member Dietz noted the Mayor had asked the Committee for input on where to put <br />trees. He thought that should be on the work plan. <br />Council Liaison Scott added that landscaping or other uses wouldn’t be appropriate for this <br />money.