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04-06-22 PC Agenda Packet
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04-06-22 PC Agenda Packet
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – December 8, 2021 2 <br /> <br />several additions to the existing high school, a reconfiguration of the existing parking lot, and the <br />use of the property at 1901 Lake Valentine Road, for parking and other school purposes. The <br />amendment approved in April, 2020, added 14 additional conditions to the existing Planned Unit <br />Development to address existing traffic and pedestrian safety issues based on the findings <br />contained within the traffic study report, an evaluation of existing site conditions, and the <br />Planned Unit Development Agreement. The terms of the PUD approval require the School <br />District to implement safety improvements on Lake Valentine Road to address traffic and <br />increased pedestrian crossings between the school building and the north parking lot, including <br />installation of turn lanes and other access improvements, trail and sidewalk improvements, <br />pedestrian signal, signage and striping modifications, and drainage and utility improvements. <br /> <br />Planning Consultant Kansier explained the Applicant originally proposed two separate phases <br />of traffic and pedestrian safety improvements for Lake Valentine Road. Phase 1 safety <br />improvements, installed in 2020, included installation of a pedestrian traffic signal system, <br />crosswalk markings, temporary painted center median, curb ramps and sidewalk pedestrian <br />routes to the front of the school. <br /> <br />Planning Consultant Kansier reported the Phase 2 traffic and pedestrian safety improvements <br />were scheduled for construction in 2021 in order to allow the School District to acquire <br />additional property from the State of Minnesota. This additional property would have allowed the <br />relocation of the west entrance to the north parking lot to align with the drop-off/pick-up lot on <br />the south side of Lake Valentine Road. Additional improvements include construction of a center <br />median at the crosswalk, modifications to the south boundary of the north parking lot, and the <br />construction of dedicated right turn lanes for westbound traffic accessing the east parking lot <br />entrance and for the eastbound traffic accessing the drop-off/pick-up lot. The Applicant worked <br />with the State of Minnesota for nearly two years on purchasing property, but has been <br />unsuccessful in obtaining an easement or acquisition of land. The State indicated they were at <br />least another year out in considering the sale of this land. As a result, the Applicant believes this <br />option is no longer feasible and asked the City Council to consider a revised alignment. The City <br />Council reviewed this issue at their May 17, 2021, workshop. The Council noted the use of the <br />State property is preferred; however, they understand there is no guarantee the school district will <br />be able to purchase that land. Safety is the most important factor. In August, 2021, the City <br />Council approved an extension of the original Phase 2 construction to 2022. <br /> <br />Planning Consultant Kansier reviewed the surrounding area, the Plan Evaluation and provided <br />the Findings of Fact for review: <br /> <br />1. The properties located at 1900 and 1901 Lake Valentine Road are located in the R-1 <br />Single Family Residential District. <br />2. The proposed conditions when implemented will create a safer environment for <br />pedestrian movement across Lake Valentine Road. <br />3. The proposed roadway improvements will improve traffic flow through the road section <br />adjacent to the school. <br />4. With the applied conditions, the application is not anticipated to create a negative impact <br />on the immediate area or the community as a whole. <br />5. The traffic and pedestrian study was reviewed as part of the April 2020 Amended PUD <br />application by City and School District staff.
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