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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION – MARCH 21, 2022 4 <br /> <br />Councilmember Scott discussed how parking spaces can be impacted in the winter months due <br />to snow, but noted he supported this project moving forward. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes thanked the applicant for their detailed presentation and for all of the <br />information regarding parking and the access passes. She stated she did not have any problem <br />with this project moving forward. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden indicated she supported this project moving forward. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant commented he supported this concept and appreciated how this use would help <br />incubate local small businesses in the community. He believed this concept had some exciting <br />possibilities. <br /> <br />Mr. Bonnie thanked the Council for their feedback and noted he would be moving forward with a <br />site plan request. <br /> <br />B. County Road E and Old Snelling Avenue Intersection Improvements <br /> <br />SRF Project Director Brian Johnson introduced himself to the Council and explained he was <br />the project engineer for the County Road E and Old Snelling Avenue intersection improvement <br />project. He provided the Council with a presentation with updates on the project, noting another <br />traffic study was completed. He discussed the virtual/neighborhood meetings that were held to <br />gain public feedback for the roundabout concept. He indicated the neighboring business does not <br />perceive an issue at this intersection. He commented further on the traffic numbers and reported a <br />change was warranted. He reviewed the three types of intersections that were considered for this <br />intersection noting the roundabout was the optimum option. Further discussion ensued regarding <br />the capacity and proper location for the roundabout. He commented on the safety benefits of <br />roundabouts and described how pedestrians are to make their way through a roundabout. The cost <br />for the roundabout was then reviewed with the Council. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden asked if there would be any trail improvements with the roundabout. <br /> <br />Mr. Johnson discussed the trail connectivity that could be completed with the roundabout. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden questioned how severe the crashes were at this intersection. <br /> <br />Ramsey County Traffic Engineer Pat Corkle commented on the severity of the five crashes that <br />occurred at this intersection noting all five involved property damage without injury. <br /> <br />Councilmember Scott inquired if this would be a single lane roundabout. <br /> <br />Mr. Johnson reported this was the case. <br /> <br />Councilmember Radziej asked why the roundabout was pushed to the northwest when there was <br />open space available to the southeast. <br /> <br />Mr. Johnson stated the County was trying to minimize the impact on the park to the southeast <br />and the utilities that were underground. <br />