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Page 2 of 3 <br /> <br />consistent with City policy and past practice and is summarized in the table below. The project <br />costs include 27% engineering and overhead costs. <br /> <br />Also, the Council must establish the interest rate at tonight’s Council Meeting. Many cities set <br />their interest rate for assessments at two (2) percentage points over the bond interest rate. The <br />City’s assessment policy states that the interest rate used for the assessment shall be designated at <br />the prime rate plus two (2) percentage points. For the 2021 PMP, the assessment interest rate was <br />set at two (2) percentage points over the assumed bond interest rate which was based on current <br />market conditions at the time, our AAA rating, plus 15 basis points. The result was an assessment <br />interest rate of 3.15%. Our current assumed bond interest rate is 2.90% and the prime rate is <br />3.50%. Staff would recommend following the City’s assessment policy and setting the assessment <br />rate at 5.50%. <br /> <br />Each of these total project costs were analyzed for the assessable cost. The calculation of the <br />amount to be assessed as approved by Council Resolution 2022-014 is shown below. <br /> <br />• The assessments related to Snelling Avenue North is calculated following the residential <br />equivalent unit explained on Page 21 in the Feasibility Report: <br /> <br />Given the non-standard lot configuration and limited number of eligible properties along the <br />Snelling Avenue corridor based on mailing addresses, assessments for Area 1 street <br />improvements on Snelling Avenue were calculated by dividing 50 percent of street costs (trail <br />costs not included) by the total length of roadway improvement frontage (8220-feet) to <br />determine a cost per foot. This unit cost per foot was then multiplied by the minimum lot <br />frontage for R1 zoned properties at 95 feet to arrive at a residential equivalent unit (REU) <br />assessment rate. <br /> <br />• Snelling Avenue North assessment rate of $3,905.00 per unit as compared to the Feasibility <br />Report estimate of $5,631.88. <br /> <br />SNELLING AVENUE NORTH <br />Item Calculation (REU) Result <br />Half of Construction Cost $531,978/2 $265,989 <br />Add 27% Overhead $265,989 x 1.27 $337,806 <br />REU Assessment Rate $337,806/(8220-feet)x(95-feet) $3,905 <br /> <br />• The assessments related to Cummings Lane are calculated in accordance with the City’s <br />Assessment policy, is half of the street project cost for residential properties. Cummings <br />Lane assessment rate of $3,886.00 per unit as compared to the Feasibility Report estimate <br />of $4,870.85. <br /> <br />CUMMINGS LANE <br />Item Calculation Result <br />Half of Construction Cost $48,957/2 $24,478.5 <br />Add 27% Overhead $115,639.06 x 1.27 $31,087 <br />Assessment Rate $31,087/(8-units) $3,886