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Page 3 of 3 <br /> <br />Storm Water Fund – COVID did not impact revenue for this fund. Also, the Public Works Director <br />indicated that there are multiple grant opportunities related to Storm Water projects and would opt <br />not to use the ARPA funds for these projects but direct the balance toward water meter replacement. <br /> <br />Water Fund – The majority of the meters throughout the City are at least 20 years old with some <br />possibly being 30 years old. Replacing meters city-wide is a huge undertaking and will put a <br />significant strain on the Water Fund. Also, the City has already been informed that our cost for <br />water will be increasing significantly over the next few years due to the new water treatment plant <br />being constructed by SPRWS. Staff would recommend allocating ARPA funds toward water meter <br />replacement. <br /> <br />Recommendation from staff on use of ARPA funds: <br /> Priority 1: Water meter replacement project $923,530 - $1,123,530 (dependent on Sewer) <br /> Priority 2: Sewer project (lining or lift station) $0 - $200,000 <br /> <br />If funding for some part of the sewer project is acquired from another source or if during 2023 <br />budget preparation it is determined that the Sewer Fund can manage without these funds, it is <br />proposed to adjust the amount allocated to the water meter project. <br /> <br />Staff is looking for direction from Council on this spending recommendation. If Council is in <br />agreement with this recommendation, staff will proceed with these projects and start the applicable <br />planning processes. <br /> <br />Attachments <br />N/A <br />