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Page 8 of 9 <br /> <br />For the concept review, the Applicant is seeking feedback from the Council on the number of <br />parking spaces provided overall and specifically to the proposed car wash use. It was noted in <br />the narrative that the two properties will have a shared parking/cross-access agreement. <br /> <br />Plan Evaluation Summary <br /> <br />Launch Properties has provided a conceptual site plan and 3D conceptual renderings of both <br />buildings from different elevations. Based on an initial review, staff believes the proposal would <br />require the following land use requests: <br />• Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for Subdivision <br />• Master and Final Planned Unit Development <br />• Site Plan Review <br />• Signage Plan <br />• Conditional Use Permit for Car Wash in the B-3 District <br /> <br />The table below provides the performance standards for the B-3 District and the preliminary <br />analysis for the proposed development: <br /> <br />Ordinance Requirements B-3 District Standards Proposed Development <br />Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 0.8 Intends to meet code <br />Maximum Building Height 35 feet Intends to meet code <br />Maximum Structure Coverage 40% Intends to meet code <br />Minimum Landscape Lot Area 25% Intends to meet code <br />Minimum Front Yard Setback 50 feet Multi-Tenant: 60 feet – Lexington <br />Avenue and +/- 180 feet Grey <br />Fox Road <br />Car Wash: 58 feet – Grey Fox <br />Road <br />Minimum Rear Yard Setback 20 feet Multi-Tenant: 46 feet <br />Car Wash: 58 feet <br />Minimum Side Yard Setback 20 feet (min)/ <br />40 feet (total) <br />Multi-Tenant: +/- 100 feet (min) / <br />N/A corner lot (total) <br />Car Wash: +/- 40feet (east) and <br />65 feet (west) <br />Building Positioning At Front Setback = 50 <br />feet <br />Flexibility Requested <br />• Multi-Tenant: <br />60 feet – Lexington Avenue <br />and +/- 180 feet Grey Fox <br />Road <br />• Car Wash: <br />58 feet – Grey Fox Road <br />Drive-Thru Requirements Separation Between – <br />1350 feet <br /> <br />Electronic Devices – 50 <br />feet <br />Flexibility Requested <br />• Separation between facilities <br />• Location of electronic device <br />Minimum Parking Requirements Determined by land use Discussion Requested – PUD <br />shared parking 77 parking spaces <br />provided <br />Off-Street Parking Setbacks 20 feet from ROW 20 feet <br />Building Façade 50% transparency at <br />front <br />Intends to meet code