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05-02-2022 JDA Agenda Packet
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05-02-2022 JDA Agenda Packet
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5/5/2022 2:14:04 PM
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5/5/2022 2:12:23 PM
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Commissioner Holden encouraged the County to consider a list of pros and cons for delaying <br />this project, along with the financial implications. <br />Commissioner Huffman stated this was a good recommendation. <br />Chair Holmes suggested the JDA hold one or two worksession meetings prior to the March JDA <br />meeting. <br />Commissioner Holden commented she would like to see City and County staff meet to discuss <br />the outstanding issues prior to additional JDA meetings being held. <br />Ms. Collins suggested the mediation process commence and that discussions between the City <br />and the County continue in the meantime. <br />Commissioner Holden feared that there would be less incentive for the County to come to an <br />agreement with the City if mediation was right around the corner. <br />Commissioner Huffman did not agree with this comment. <br />Commissioner Grant encouraged the County to respond to the City's previous negotiation <br />efforts from last October. <br />Director Perrault summarized the discussion held by the JDA stating staff has been directed to <br />compile a list of outstanding issues, and City and County staff are to meet together to discuss <br />these issues. <br />Chair Holmes stated he would prefer the JDA to review these issues in order to bring about <br />collective understanding prior to discussing mediation. <br />Commissioner Ortega supported a list of issues being drafted. He stated the intent of the <br />County Board was to move forward with mediation and explained he was prepared to move in <br />this direction in order to address the outstanding issues. <br />Commissioner Grant commented the mediation would be between the City and the County. He <br />questioned if the County was coming forward with mediation because they have finished their <br />negotiations with the developer. <br />Ms. Collins stated per the hand out, the County was proposing to move forward with mediation <br />to help the two parties get unstuck. <br />Commissioner Holden asked if the MDA with Alatus was complete. She questioned if the <br />redlines had been agreed to. <br />
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