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that it was their place to suggest that trees be planted along Snelling Avenue. If the City <br /> planted in this particular area, wouldn't every one along Snelling Avenue or other busy <br /> highways want trees planted. Ms. Walsh explained that although one row of trees would <br /> visually shelter the homes from the highway, it would not create a sound barrier. Parks and <br /> Recreation Director Walsh will talk with the Public Works Superintendent to determine if the <br /> area is state right-of-way and inform Ms. Daub. Ms. Daub will then contact the appropriate <br /> person to ask for permission to plant. She may take her request back to the City Council if she <br /> decides to pursue planting. <br /> POSSIBLE HWY 96 TRAIL CHANGE <br /> Ms. Walsh explained the originally proposed trail along Highway 96. The commission <br /> expressed concerns regarding the trail becoming a striped shoulder from Highway 10 to the <br /> 35W bridge. Ms. Walsh then explained the proposal to move the Highway 96 trail to the south <br /> end of Round Lake and over the existing railroad bridge into New Brighton. The commission <br /> had a discussion about the positives of moving the trail off the heavy traffic areas and away <br /> from the 35W bridge. They had several concerns about putting pedestrians across 35W with <br /> free right turns and a single stop light. The commission preferred the new trail design and <br /> asked to be kept informed as progress continues with the plans and specifications. <br /> 1998 PARK FUND BUDGET <br /> eThe Commission members discussed the annuity plan to spend down the Park Fund money. <br /> Given the time lines for the 1998 budget process, the Commission and staff will probably start <br /> the 5-7 year annuity plan for the 1999 budget process. Megan Ricke made a motion which was <br /> seconded by Don Messerly and passed unanimously to the City Council that the 1998 Park <br /> Fund priorities include; trail expansion along County Road F if we are awarded the grant(if we <br /> are not awarded the grant, the Commission will reevaluate whether to recommend it for 1998 <br /> development or wait until 1999) and paving the trail access segments at Jerrold and Edgewater <br /> Avenues, and Katie Court. The replacement of a play structure at Cummings is also a priority, <br /> but Council member Keim stated that those types of replacements should start to be budgeted <br /> from the General Fund. The Commission would like to stay in the replacement program for <br /> one or two parks each year. If the General Fund will not support the replacement,the Park <br /> Fund should possibly continue to fund this project at Cummings Park. <br /> PARK FUND LONG RANGE PLANNING <br /> The discussion regarding long range planning occurred when Council member Keim gave the <br /> Council Report. Ms. Walsh was asked to do some research about the cost of paving hockey <br /> rink areas for in-line skating. She will also get some ideas about what other City's policies are <br /> involving Park Fund spending. <br /> 0 2 <br />