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-3- <br /> The City could also negotiate a joint development contract with <br /> Bethel College to construct athletic fields on Bethel property on <br /> the west side of Old Hwy. 10 just north of the Soo Line tracks. <br /> Two other options include a short term solution to develop City <br /> property on Highway 96 just east of the Public Works Garage and <br /> City property in the Round Lake area, as well as to negotiate the <br /> purchase of the Barry O'Meara property west of Hazelnut Park. <br /> FUNDING FOR ATHLETIC FIELDS <br /> Monies for the acquisition of land and field development would come <br /> from the Park Fund Reserve. <br /> Arden Hills has provided softball fields for many local companies. <br /> If a site were secured, Arden Hills companies such as Control Data, <br /> Land-O-Lakes, MSI, CPI and others should be contacted to "sponsor" <br /> a field. <br /> PARR MAINTENANCE <br /> Spring, Summer, and Fall are hectic times for maintenance in the <br /> Parks Dept. Maintenance commitments are: <br /> mowing and trimming parks <br /> water and prune trees, particularly new plantings <br /> mow and clean sidewalks and boulevards <br /> dragging, lining and general maintenance on 12 ball fields, <br /> one baseball field, three soccer fields and 9 tennis courts <br /> - water and general maintenance at 9 gateway gardens <br /> Five seasonal employees will be hired this summer to assist our <br /> three permanent parks crew members. An additional permanent <br /> employee will have to be considered if or when new responsibilities <br /> are added such as an athletic complex, intensifying the maintenance <br /> of trails and pathways. <br />