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Page 3 of 5 <br /> <br /> <br />The decorative metal fencing would include two gates, one across Paul Kirkwood Drive, <br />approximately 200 feet in from Hamline Avenue and another across the entrance to the main <br />entrance of the building. The decorative metal fencing would connect to existing fencing on the <br />east side of the Subject Property and the chain link fence would connect to existing fencing on <br />the southwest corner of the Subject Property. The existing barbed wire fence is on the federal <br />government property which is exempt from local zoning and other regulations. <br /> <br /> Decorative Metal Fence Chain Link Fence with Barbed Wire <br /> <br /> <br />The Applicant is also proposing two parking lot additions which would increase the impervious <br />surface area by approximately 0.6%. The southern five-stall parking lot addition with concrete <br />sidewalk to the building will be open to the public. The northern 18-stall parking lot addition will <br />be behind the proposed security gates and will be for facility employee use only. To construct the <br />parking lots, the Applicant will be removing two trees. Tree mitigation is not required because <br />the Applicant is removing less than 10% of the trees located on the property. <br />