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ARDEN HILLS PARKS TRAILS & RECREATION COMMITTEE 5 <br /> Mr. Wensman reviewed the issues with the Committee noting the need to redline, determine <br /> • plan priorities and prepare the Committee's vision statement. He reviewed the draft statement <br /> and plan maps with the Committee. He stated that they need to develop their vision <br /> statement and suggested that everyone put together a draft statement for discussion at the next <br /> meeting. <br /> Mr. Moore explained that the Council is getting impatient and wants this done. He clarified <br /> that the Parks Committee does have a vision statement located in the back of the Arden Hills <br /> Brochure. He suggested using this statement with no changes. <br /> The Committee agreed,by consensus, to use the existing mission statement. <br /> Mr. Wensman suggested that the Committee reviews and identifies their priorities noting the <br /> need for cooperation between County, City and State. <br /> Chair Messerly stated that the main issue is parking and reviewed the parks that need to be <br /> considered. Mr. Moore clarified that parks can be developed but without access they would <br /> not be used. <br /> Committee Member Thompson asked for clarification on the priorities noting their <br /> dependencies must also be considered. She asked if it should be based on each park or <br /> review and prioritize based on the whole picture. <br /> • Mr. Moore stated that it is apparent that not everyone has prepared for this discussion. He <br /> suggested they schedule a meeting to discussion the issues and determine the priorities. He <br /> explained the need to focus and identify the process with respect to just this plan. <br /> Chair Messerly noted that missing one work session has not created a major delay in this plan <br /> and that the missed dates go back as far as June, 2001. <br /> Committee Member Thompson asked for clarification on the expectations of the Council. <br /> Mr. Moore clarified that they are looking for the plans and the concepts along with the <br /> process. He stated that initially the plan came with a September timeline and then moved <br /> back to December or January. He stated that the plan is now being pushed back to the <br /> March\Apri12002 timeframe due to outside issues that have affected the progress. He <br /> explained Council's perspective is that Staff has been dragging their feet a bit and stated that <br /> they need to focus and get this done. <br /> Chair Messerly suggested next Tuesday, October 30, 2001 for their next meeting. The <br /> Committee agreed and committed to being prepared for the discussion. <br /> Mr. Moore confirmed that a Special Meeting would be scheduled for next Tuesday, October <br /> 30, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. at the new City Hall. <br /> Chair Messerly asked for clarification on what each member needs to be prepared for this <br />