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Arden Hills Parks,Trails and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes 5 <br /> July 23,2002 <br /> they be sure to include the project planner. Council Liaison Larson suggested that the PTRC <br /> Committee get involved with determining what the area should be used for. <br /> ❖ Biathlon Area— Committee Member Crassweller noted that this course would be very usable <br /> for cross-country skiing and asked how they could implement a usable plan that would <br /> address the security issues. He suggested a potential permit system that would allow them to <br /> manage the use and allow the City to maximize their use while remaining consistent with the <br /> needs of the Guard. <br /> ❖ Residential Safety issues — Committee Member Henry asked how they would keep residents <br /> out of the area if it were to be designated as residential. Mr. Hamernick explained that it is <br /> very difficult and referenced the posted rules. He further explained that they would have a <br /> 300-foot buffer around anything they would do and that they would have the area fenced. <br /> ❖ Athletic Complex — Committee Member Messerly asked for clarification of the athletic <br /> complex area and asked if they would ever be able to clean it up enough for public use. Mr. <br /> Hamernick explained that it would depend on the level of usage. He further explained that he <br /> did not think the land was contaminated but that the sewer area would be. He stated that if <br /> they were to remove the sewer areas that the land would possibly be usable. He stated that he <br /> has asked for legal opinions regarding this issue noting that there are legal and court <br /> differences that should be clarified. <br /> ❖ Access — Mr. Hamernick stated that approximately 24 acres are off site and part of the <br /> . railroad spur. He stated that the Committee should be aware that it is not within the fence <br /> line. He suggested that the Committee discuss this with MnDOT. Committee Member Henry <br /> asked if the track terminates in the arms plant. Mr. Hamernick explained that there is <br /> approximately eleven miles of rail that moves in and out of the area. Chair Straumann <br /> confirmed that they have considered this area as a potential access point. <br /> 4. Charitable Gambling—Tom Moore <br /> ❖ Mr. Moore referenced the handouts provided to the Committee and explained that this is a <br /> part of the recreational funding. He asked the Committee to review the information for <br /> further discussion. <br /> ❖ Mr. Moore stated that they would have the head of the DNR Metro Trailways Division <br /> available at the September PTRC meeting. <br /> 5. Park Signage—Tom Moore <br /> ❖ Two companies submitted bids and he asked the Committee to review the bids. <br /> ❖ Cost to do all City parks would be approximately $65-90,000.00. He explained that it would <br /> depend upon the design chosen. <br /> ❖ Approximately 22% of park funds would be spent on signage. <br /> ❖ Reviewed examples of each sign design and the process used to make the signs with the <br /> Committee. He stated that the Committee does not have to make a decision now adding that <br /> the Committee should decide if they want to spend the dollars on the park signs. <br /> d• Council has final approval on expenditures from this fund. <br />