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Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />additional stormwater modeling requirements to evaluate downstream flows. RCWD has <br />indicated a desire to partner in other ways. The site is located within the TCAAP South Plume, <br />and increasing grading depth increases the likelihood that groundwater contamination could be <br />detected during construction. In an effort to prepare for potential groundwater issues, additional <br />coordination began with Ramsey County and the RCWD for additional partnership on project <br />and possible funding. <br /> <br />From our previous modeling, it was observed adding volume to the pond does not make a large <br />impact to reducing high water levels in the pond. To help more accurately identify on-site <br />stormwater improvement needs and ways to reduce impacts to Arden Manor Park, a more <br />extensive stormwater analysis with additional upstream modelling would be necessary. RCWD <br />agrees the equitable preference would be to include detention measures upstream to reduce the <br />flooding rather than remove the only greenspace in the neighborhood. <br /> <br />These would likely increase the original project scope and project costs above the original <br />anticipated CDBG project costs. RCWD could be a funding partner for the increased, upstream <br />stormwater analysis and Ramsey County CDBG indicated increased on-site project costs would <br />be eligible for a new CDBG grant cycle, with a larger grant, if improvements cannot be <br />constructed by Spring of 2023. <br /> <br />If the City desires, they can continue with the CDBG project and include minor stormwater or <br />grading adjustment along with the proposed park improvements. Additional funding would be <br />needed to implement upstream stormwater improvements. <br /> <br /> <br />Budget Impact <br /> <br />Upstream stormwater study/analysis <br />- estimated about $30,000 range <br />- Anticipated RCWD partnership, with some additional funding <br />Additional stormwater and site grading improvements to Arden Manor Park <br />- TBD – pending results of stormwater study / analysis <br />- Anticipated CDBG participation and new increased grant amount <br /> <br /> <br />Attachments <br /> <br />Attachment A - Arden Manor Update Presentation