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• Park and Recreation Committee Recommendations <br /> Park Dedication, North Heights Lutheran Church, Phase I <br /> Councilmember Hansen reviewed the Church's proposal for park dedication. <br /> Development is being planned in three phases; at this time North Heights is <br /> proposing dddatcstion of the pchding trsas an the *its (1.44 Acres) •o <br /> dedication for Phase I development; park dedication for the remaining phases <br /> of development is to be negotiated at the time such development takes <br /> place. At its meeting of February 28, the Parks and Recreation Committee <br /> recommended to Council acceptance of the ponding areas for Phase I dedica- <br /> tion. <br /> N.H.L.C. proposed the development of trails, possibly sliding, skiing, <br /> and skating areas which Village residents would be welcome to use, as part <br /> of their future dedication (phases I and III); said they are contemplating <br /> possibly installing a ball diamond, gym, and swimming pool, which they <br /> anticipate would be open for residents and satisfy their park dedication <br /> requirement. Council consensus was that it is unlikely that Village resi- <br /> dents would use Church facilities extensively. <br /> Motion was made by Hicks, seconded by Hansen, that North Heights Lutheran <br /> Church submit a total park concept plan for all phases of development <br /> rather than accepting 1.44 acres as Phase I park dedication. <br /> In further discussion, Council determined it may be more appropriate to <br /> give N.H.L.C. the Village's recommendation. Hicks withdrew his motion. <br /> • Motion was made by Hicks, seconded by Hansen, that Council ask Parks Com- <br /> mittee to re-evaluate the need for a passive and/or active recreation <br /> park site in that general area of the city, and to consider what the needs <br /> are with the total development of the Church site for park versus cash <br /> dedication. Motion carried unanimously. (5 - 0). <br /> Gift Suggestion Booklet <br /> The Parks Committee has suggested distributing to Village residents and <br /> businesses a listing of items which would be useful donations to the Vil- <br /> lage. The suggestion is based on the premise that the Village does not <br /> tax for anything over and above necessities, and there may be persons <br /> who would like to contribute something, such as a park bench, to the Vil- <br /> lage. <br /> In discussion, Council expressed concern about some of the verbiage in <br /> the sample brochure (e.g. statement that Village will match any contribu- <br /> tions) and appropriateness of some of the items listed for donation. <br /> It was moved by Hicks, seconded by Peck, that the Parks Committee be <br /> encouraged to develop a Gift Suggestion Booklet for the Parks Department <br /> and to submit a rough draft, with updated prices of realistic items <br /> suggested. Motion carried unanimously. (5 - 0) Council concurred that <br /> inclusion of any items for Administration or Public Works Department <br /> would be inappropriate. <br />