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r <br /> 5.30.84 <br /> • RECREATION OPEN SPACE DEVELOPMENT GUIDE/POLICY PLAN <br /> ISSUES PAPER <br /> INTRODUCTION <br /> The Metropolitan Council is reviewing its Policy Plan for Regional Recreation <br /> Open Space and will adopt a revised plan by early 1985. The Council seeks com- <br /> ments about the strengths and weaknesses of the current plan and also seeks new <br /> issues which people believe should be considered in the revision. This issue <br /> paper is the first part of that public process. It has been prepared by the <br /> Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission to prompt discussion at a series <br /> of public meetings in July and August, 1984. <br /> The goals from the 1980 plan, with some questions, are listed as a first issue, <br /> followed by a series of specific issues received from individuals and agencies. <br /> Issues were selected to provoke public reaction as well as to list what the <br /> commission and Council hope to hear about. The commission is confident that <br /> other issues exist and hopes they will come forward during the meetings. The <br /> meetings will also give the public a chance to speak for or against any <br /> specific or general topics they believe should be considered about the regional <br /> recreation open space system. Following the meeting, a revised draft policy <br /> plan will be developed and circulated for a public hearing, currently scheduled <br /> for November of 1984. After the hearing, a final revised policy plan will be <br /> reviewed and adopted. <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> • In 1974, following extended discussion, the Minnesota Legislature passed the <br /> Metropolitan Parks Act. The law makes the Metropolitan Council , with the <br /> advice of the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission, responsible for <br /> preparing and adopting a policy plan for a regional recreation open space <br /> system. The parks act requires periodic Council review of this policy plan. <br /> The first policy plan was adopted as a chapter for regional recreation open <br /> space in the Council-s Metropolitan Development Guide in 1974. Following <br /> extensive discussion, the plan was revised and adopted again in 1980. <br /> The regional recreation open space system is implemented by 10 agencies-- <br /> counties, municipalities and special park districts. Implementing agencies are <br /> eligible to receive grants from the Council for acquisition and development of <br /> regional parks in accord with master plans which the agencies prepare. The <br /> Metropolitan Council reviews master plans for consistency with the regional <br /> recreation open space system policy plan and then approves them. The imple- <br /> menting agencies own and operate the regional parks. <br />