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, <br />�. � <br />. ,.. <br />E �� <br />�a <br />� <br />0 <br />APPENDIX H <br />Z-4-8� <br />ARDEN F:1 LLS PARKS AND RECP,EAT E d�t COM�71 TTEE <br />GUIDfLINES FOR PARK DEVELOPMENT <br />The Arden Hills Pbrks and Recreat(on Carmittee is de�eloping its park <br />facility plans tn accordance rith severat guiding principles. Me recognize, <br />however, that each neighborhood and each piece ot park land are unique; <br />specificai{y, pa�k plans must bb based on tAese �nique features end consfi rainfis <br />In addltion to general Frinciples. Nevertheless, we have used the foflowing <br />as generaf guidetlnes for our park deselopment plans: <br />I. Children and youi�h in 6ach n�ighborhood should have access to a <br />variety of �ecreationat expsriences. This means that where suitable <br />space is availabfe, neigh+borhood parks should provide year-round <br />r�creational facilities, as weli as both passive and active recrea- <br />tionai opportuntties. � . <br />In light ot this, ve are devefoping a park system in which each <br />neighborhoad pa;k contains, as appropriate, the foliowing facili+ies: <br />• i. A tot lot fot- ycung children. <br />2. C�imbi-�g equipment for somerhat older chifdren. <br />3. A hard sur�=ace erea tor various types at games (with a bas- <br />ketball hoo�� at ono end}. <br />4. Approp�tate {andscaping�•including shaded saating areas tor <br />parent� or others wt►o a�e waich€�g small chi{dren. <br />5. Any internal pathways needed to access various fiacilities. <br />6. Parking areass consfstent wifih the activijy levels plbnned <br />for thA park. <br />7. Frovide best possfble off-street access to e!1 parks. <br />These facilities are to receive top priority anc� be establtshed once a <br />neighborhood begins to develop. <br />0lder children and famities in each neighborhood should have access to: <br />8. A gene�-a! skating area. <br />• 9. Ar. area in w�hich to ptay soffiball (overlapping ►vith a genera! <br />mu{tipurpose field where room allows). <br />