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community comparable with Arden Hills in total population has held the objective of <br /> placing professional staff at a salary level ranging between 85 and 95 percent of the <br /> mean for metropolitan area suburbs. Because comparisons are most valuable when <br /> responsibilities are similar, it does appear that the City Council is in the best position <br /> to decide when merit salary increases are warranted. <br /> The final area of financial administration to be reviewed concerns c51pital improve- <br /> ment programming. Once again, the Department has had a long history of providing <br /> hig , medium and low priority development objectives for the park system. The most <br /> recent, presented-in Ma of 1983 and subsequently modified through citizen input <br /> provides gLfi nes fc� a next ten years. In 1983 the focus <br /> has been on Cummings Park. This will continue during 1984 as well as adding major <br /> improvements to Hazelnut and Floral Parks. A completely new athletic complex will <br /> be introduced within the Arsenal if the land becomes available in 1985. The sch dule <br /> four to ten years in advance is ambitious but provides resident to <br /> impress upon a ose impr vements which are most impgaarit. It is a <br /> complete and well concieve isting s owing the same facility for long ran nning <br /> introduced ten years_go. <br /> While the evaluation most appropriately should be limited to whether the Department <br /> has produced and continued to update a Capital Improvement Program, the proposal <br /> to invest some $60,000 at the Arsenal in 1985 raises a serious question. Who is it <br /> being developed for? The remoteness of the site and access to it from where people <br /> live in Arden Hills suggests league and tournament use without any casual drop in or <br /> • even sand lot type activity. The site is perfectly acceptable as interim relief for <br /> overtaxed softball facilities. On the other hand its suitability as a community facility <br /> is questionable if the remainder of the Arsenal is declared surplus property. To date <br /> the Lity is a textbook example 9Lhow to li r oo n ngblic facilities by <br /> well identi ie iking and biking trails. I would suggest limiting improvements to <br /> items that may be moved or those that will need to be replaced in a specified period <br /> of time. This again leads to a question rather than an answer. How long will the <br /> Arsenal continue in its present location? Arden Hills residents are likely to be better <br /> informed on this issue than anyone else in the Metropolitan area. Tbe-1280 <br /> Comprehensive Plan designates the site as public land other than parks and open <br /> space, bordered north and south by industrial an 0014 surprising it the <br /> large au ark and open space area designated in the same plan at the center of <br /> t rsenal 2roperty could not provide space for a community athletic complex, In <br /> the interim, continuea oeveiopment0I a e is 111ulua within existing and proposed <br /> neighborhood parks should be further explored. <br /> The last area to be covered under administration, concerns public relations and <br /> service statistics. Both are important and both appear to be ongoing in the <br /> Department. The best public relations is quality service. Judging by the support <br /> offered the program by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, there appears <br /> to be no problem with program satisfaction for residents. Various reports made <br /> available to the Council and the Advisory Committee contain statistics on the total <br /> participation in each of the programs. However, the staff should know more about <br /> the age, sex, cultural background, marital status, educational level occupation, p us <br /> I o ime i e ano er measure of the identity of program <br /> participants. is w o sit program emphasis wen <br /> popu ation characteristics change. <br />