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Parks and Rec. Annual Wo-- - Con tinuac; <br /> • <br /> Bike/FeJesy-lan Trviway . Mcquisition and developmeit) <br /> Through a D-aat dau 0; time and effort by the Courcil , linear greanways <br /> have been ;aaured for Trailways. It is extremely important that these <br /> Kailways be i dent iflad and developed in the ear ily stages of the area's <br /> developw2n- to assure citizens acceptance. Trails in need of deveiapment <br /> within the naxt year or two ars : <br /> - Ardeq Traf ! Werpaui north to County Rd. E. ) <br /> - Cho0am Trail WrWater of Chatham Add iticn) <br /> - Pentam Trail (Village Hall south to McClung addition) <br /> - Warknoll -i*r-j'; l (Coileen Dr. south to Floral ParW <br /> W.S.P. p3war line to N. Smelting) <br /> - Kapth Lake Trail (Cummings Park south to Floral Dr.) <br /> - Mu';-ut-fl Servica Trai I (a! I ler Lanc to Lexington Plaza) <br /> Tra! i dovejop=7 wood receivo a high Fri car ity when determiring Park <br /> Fund expenditures. Hopefully some economic assistance will also come from <br /> Bike Grants , <br /> Park Dave l2E rr- <br /> Development phi msophy has been: <br /> Park devoloppent shOLld keep pace with the growth of the con murity a& <br /> citizen requost far programs and facil :fies. <br /> Citizen ; nput is an important process of relghborhood park cevelopment, <br /> - Neighborhood park u should be developed with sensitivity towards tha <br /> anviroment und active play. <br /> - Existing fac 1tins should Y totally iTilized to prevent oupli cat lcan of expenses. <br /> The Village is presently experiencing a period of rapid growth. Over 550 new <br /> homes will be built over The nrat few years. National corporations will W; <br /> moving their headquarters to Arden Hills. A surge of commercial and industrial <br /> grcwth is being considered or completed. This current growth will place now demands <br /> an the development of parks, tiallways and recreational facilities. Three park <br /> areas, Hazelnut Park, Cummlng3 Park and the Park adjacant to Mutual Service, <br /> and Hunter's Park have been open passive areas Wr several years. There appeared <br /> to be no Immediate need for development. However, this growth spurt bill accelerato <br /> the need for dsvelopnont. <br /> Ball diaionds hove he en receiving Increasingly heavy usage by adult leagues, ycuth <br /> leagues, T-ball , besoball leagues and soccer %aws. Over 73 teams used Arcen Fills <br /> ball fields this SUIVIer for gar es and practices. We have reached the point %here <br /> existing fields must be improved, row diamonds built or additioral demands will <br /> have to to limited. <br /> The park dedication ordinance has been the foundaticm for the acquisition end de- <br /> velopment of the Ardun hills Parks and Trails System. This source of revarue is <br /> • I Imited. Other hrii-cwie options such as grants, joint powers agreements, anc cr <br /> general taxes will have to be considerad to continue development. <br />