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09-14-1976 PTRC Meeting Minutes and Agenda
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09-14-1976 PTRC Meeting Minutes and Agenda
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• <br /> SSU 1.976 PARK AND RECREATION DEPT. SU-1,01ER PROGRAM <br /> By Steve Whittaker <br /> Six Arden hills Parks were designated for summer play,-,,round act Lvities. These <br /> parks includee; Valentine, Floral, Ingersor., Freeway and Sampson and Lake johanna <br /> 0 <br /> Elementary School . A staff consisting of six playground supervisors (3 male and <br /> 3 female) z1ovg with a program director, was hired for the :six week program. <br /> Playground supervisors worked in pairs to run tiny tot (pre-school) programs in <br /> the mornings irom 9:30 - 12:00 noor. and school-age programs in the afternoons <br /> from 1:00 -- 4.00 p.m. Eact. pair of staff was. assigned to two playgrounds. One- <br /> half day was spent aL each playground Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. <br /> Thus, two :'Lull mornings and 2 full afternoons, of activities were conducted for <br /> tiny tots and school-age children respectively at each of the six parks. <br /> The park activities included a wide variety of quiet and active games, large and <br /> small craft projects, special events days such as wheels day or pet day; and the <br /> familiar team games of softball-, kickball and basketball. Park supervisors also <br /> got maximum use of slides, swings and apparatus when these 'k:acilities were avail- <br /> able. <br /> • "Water dayE" were probably the biggest hit at each of the playg77ounds. Two sheets <br /> of thick plastic were laid on existing inclines while nearby fi;.-e hydrants provided <br /> the water for water slider.. These "slip-n-slides" were inexpensive, relatively <br /> safe and extremely fun activities with which the youth Just couldn't get enough. <br /> Thursdays were reserved for specie.) adventure trips with Arden Mills youth. <br /> These trips included a trip to see the Twins, two days of rollz;- skating, a <br /> bicentennial playday at Perry Park, innertubing down the Apple ';River and a day <br /> at Valleyfair. These six all day trips were very well attended by our youth and <br /> also helped to bring other Arden Hills youth in contact with our park program <br /> who were net considered park regulars. <br /> It is my observation that the high quality of our playground supervisors and the <br /> all around summer playground program pro-Lrided a healthy enviromaent for a large <br /> number of Arden Hills youth to grow es individuals. Park supervisors provided <br /> and conducted activities that were invigorating, developmental, educational and <br /> that led and will lead to positive. physical,, social and emotional development. <br />
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