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Jfl-zhanna Junior High. Pool <br /> N . Mcintosn reported that the School Board has decided to <br /> o1cfer instructional and recreational swimming at Johanna <br /> Jun. ior High Pool , and extendod the Committee 's thanks to the <br /> C.ouncil for their support in accomplishing this. <br /> nt4g Business <br /> Yonnis Court Rules <br /> M . Blomquist requested that courtesy rules =or use of the <br /> +ennfs courts be established . J . Buckley Is going to handle <br /> this. <br /> , i-k Development <br /> Cojies of the 1975 Propose d Park Devatopment budget were <br /> distributed . The Committee agreed that first priority should <br /> bps given tc Perry Park , with the second being a climbing <br /> structura and sand box, at Freeway Park . The next priority <br /> woi old be a hard surface z,,i- Freeway and picnic tables . Next <br /> priority would be a cargo net . <br /> P . Lindquist moved that Committee ---sk ii-he Councii 1'o approve <br /> thy) revised Freeway Pa-rk plan . Vt . Bioniquist seconded, <br /> • un:3nImously approved . The Freeway piafi has bean amended to <br /> not include parking . <br /> Mt . Eri ---ksor, made a -notion that John Buckley bring to tho <br /> i-ouncit the recommended plan for lower Perry Park for their <br /> a f),p r o va I . M . Blornquist seconded , and it was approved, with <br /> R. Andursor abstaining. <br /> Bud et Committee <br /> R. Anderson asked for a sub-committee to go over the budget <br /> T<)r 1976 . He f us-ther :stain-'-od that he would I ; ke I + broken <br /> 1 ,ito monthly periods . Ap, ointed to this coma, ittee were <br /> P <br /> K boss , M . Cron , 41, R . Anderson and R . Cadwe I I <br /> -.4vfL%s--Jurqenson Pati) <br /> C . Beg- <br /> gin zuoved Pommittee review i-he Dreyfus dedication in <br /> sIX months and recommends delay cie construe'lion of the path <br /> unfll that time . R. Cadwe 'll seconded . Unanimously approved . <br /> mo%%ed , seconded by M . Cronin, that the meeting be <br /> a il . 50, P .M4 . Unanilnously appr0V ed . <br /> by Sh i r I e,,, Marshal i <br /> THE h<EX i REGULAR MEETING OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE WILL <br /> BE Jultl.y 8, 19751- E- : 00 P .M . IN THE- VILLAGE HALL , <br />