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Minutes of Regular Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting <br /> • Page three <br /> following recommendations: <br /> 1. Lights out by 10:00 p.m. <br /> 2. Boards down during the summer to preserve the appearance <br /> of the park. <br /> 3. Area of public skating to be equal to the hockey area. <br /> 1986 Park Improvement Plans <br /> Buckley presented his proposed 1986 development plans; noted plan calls for <br /> expenditures of $124,500; park fund currently has balance of $285,000±. He <br /> stated that other methods of financing park improvements need to be researched <br /> as city reaches the end of its development and availability of dedication <br /> monies. The only remaining large development to be done would be the Arsenal <br /> property, if obtained. (He estimates development there ;could cost $150,000 <br /> to $200,000. ) Funds will also be needed for refurbishing of existing parks <br /> as equipment becomes worn. <br /> Committee briefly discussed type of shelter that should be considered for <br /> Cummings Park hockey rink if developed. Buckley stated that portable shelters <br /> can be rented or purchased from Satellite Industries (size is 10 feet wide by <br /> 40 feet long); purchased price is $1,500. Rauenhorst and Peterson felt a <br /> temporary shelter inadequate and a poor investment. <br /> • Mulcahy stated he would be reluctant to recommend to Council expenditure of <br /> $50,000 for a shelter until committee has a more definite and concrete proposal; <br /> would like to see definite plans for the shelter. Committee also felt more <br /> definite plans should be made for North Snelling before this expenditure is <br /> recommended. <br /> Motion was made by Rauenhorst, seconded by Mulcahy, that Committee recommend <br /> to Council approval of the expenditures proposed at Hazenut Park, Sampson Park, <br /> Arden Oaks, Crepeau Nature Preserve, and on the trails, and that at the April <br /> meeting, Committee review information from the planner on North Snelling and <br /> Cummings hockey shelter and picnic shelter. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Committee would also like to review lighting plan for hockey rink at that <br /> meeting. (Peterson will obtain a plan from Musco Lighting. ) <br /> Council Report <br /> Councilman Sather discussed recent Council actions of interest to this committee, <br /> including action on Lexington Avenue bridge/pathway. He also reported that <br /> negotiations have been started with Opus re park dedication on their property. <br /> Arbor Day - Park Cleanup <br /> This will be held April 26. Buckley plans to plant trees at Arden Oaks, Floral <br /> Park, Ingerson Park, Cummings and along the trails. Bare root stock will be <br /> used. The Arden Hills/Shoreview Jaycees have offered to assist with planting. <br /> Other community organizations will be contacted. Presentation of "Tree City <br /> USA" awards will be made then also. <br />