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Minutes of Regular Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting <br /> • Page three <br /> Rauenhorst moved that the Parks and Recreation Committee recommend to <br /> Council the selected turn lane alternative presented by Miller, location <br /> of turn lanes to be determined by a separate study of mos -used intersections, <br /> with a 36' roadway, widening to 44' where turn lanes are installed. Motion <br /> was seconded by Mulcahy. <br /> In discussion, Mishek stated he did not see that this wou d slow traffic. <br /> Miller noted that not having a continuous turn lane would mean that no <br /> individual homes along Hamline would have a turn lane. <br /> Buckley stated he sees the main areas of concern that sho ld be addressed <br /> as vehicle safety and access to Cummings and Floral parks (and a way to <br /> get between the two); this motion does not address this problem. <br /> Otto stated his belief that a 36' road would not reduce traffic; road <br /> is in "pathetic" condition now, but is still being heavily used by through <br /> traffic as well as local. <br /> Anderson asked that the motion be amended to include pathways on both sides <br /> of Hamline. Amendment was accepted by Rauenhorst. <br /> Montgomery stated his belief that the inconsistency of intermittent turn <br /> lanes (as the motion before the floor suggests) would only make the street <br /> . more dangerous. <br /> Motion failed (Mulcahy, Rauenhorst, Anderson in favor, En ooth, Mishek, <br /> Montgomery, Peterson, Otto opposed, Messerly abstaining). <br /> Motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Otto, that Parks and Recreation <br /> Committee recommend construction of 46' roadway with continuous turn lane <br /> and sidewalk. <br /> In discussion, Mishek asked if there were any way to install sidewalk <br /> on east side of the road with 46' wide road. It was determined that easements <br /> existed to make it possible to construct a walkway on the east side from <br /> Karth Lake Circle to Wyncrest. Mishek asked the motion be amended to <br /> include construction of this walkway. Amendment was accepted by Peterson. <br /> Motion carried, (Enrooth, Mishek, Montgomery, Peterson, Otto in favor, <br /> Mulcahy, Anderson, Rauenhorst opposed, Messerly abstaining). <br /> Council Report <br /> Sather suggested the Parks Committee discuss the possibility of buried <br /> utility lines along Hamline. Otto noted that quoted costs make this seem <br /> prohibitive. Sather noted that it is probable that NSP will have to move <br /> most of the poles anyway; is not convinced that burial of lines would <br /> be that much more expensive or labor-intensive. <br /> Motion was made by Mishek, seconded by Peterson, that Parks and Recreation <br /> Committee recommend to Council a feasibility study on burying power lines <br /> and/or having power lines moved to only one side of the roadway. Motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br />