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Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Planning Commission Meeting, August 3, 1988 <br /> Page 6 <br /> CASE #88-27 (Cont'd) Moved by Meury, seconded by Petersen, that Planning <br /> Commission defer any action on the request for a <br /> Temporary-Special Use Permit as outlined in Case #88-27. Motion carried <br /> • unanimously. (6-0) <br /> CASE #88-04; LOT Planner Bergly advised this matter was tabled at the <br /> SPLIT, 1960 W. CO. 3-2-88 Commission meeting, pending potential State <br /> RD. E-2, ROBINSON legislation that would allow the County to sell a portion <br /> of the property in the highway right-of-way back to the <br /> adjacent land owner. The proposed legislation was not approved, but will be <br /> presented to the legislature again in the next session. <br /> Bergly advised Paul Kirkwold, Deputy Director and Assistant County Engineer for <br /> Ramsey County, indicated to him that the County has no intention of ever using <br /> the right-of-way and that they will continue their attempts to dispose of the <br /> excess right-of-way; the County would attempt to maintain 43 feet, as shown on <br /> the Elseth survey. <br /> Bergly stated the Commission would be considering granting a variance in a <br /> location where the house would ordinarily be located if the lot were squared off <br /> by the purchase of the right-of-way. It would require a setback variance of 14 <br /> ft. as well as a 900 sq. ft. lot area variance. <br /> The Planner has discussed this matter with Attorney Lynden relative to the <br /> proposed lot split; it was Lynden's opinion the hardship would be the legal <br /> technicality which prevents the legal exchange of property and he expressed no <br /> concerns relative to the application. <br /> There was discussion regarding the actual ownership of the property; Robinson <br /> stated his attorney had researched the title and provide a written statement <br /> which indicates the right-of-way property was under the fee ownership of the <br /> applicant and that the County retains an easement over the property. <br /> Commission also discussed the building envelope on the property and the <br /> possibility of modification of the land by filling to accommodate the home <br /> construction. <br /> Member Piotrowski pointed out that if variances were required the Board of <br /> Appeals should review the application and make recommendation to Council for <br /> approval or denial. <br /> After further discussion it was the general consensus of the Commission members <br /> to request the Village Attorney and Robinson's Attorney review and reach an <br /> agreement as to the legal boundaries of the property. <br /> Commission recommended the applicant submit a sketch of the building location, a <br /> topographical map which outlines the drainage pattern of the land, any proposal <br /> for fill in conjunction with building and a legal description of the property. <br /> Moved by Meury, seconded by McGraw, that Case #88-04, Lot <br /> Split at 1960 West County Road E2, be tabled until such time as the following <br /> information is received and compiled for submission by the applicant: <br /> 1. Written opinion of the Village Attorney and Mr. Robinson Attorney which <br /> advises they are in agreement as to the ownership and legal boundaries of <br /> the above mentioned property. <br /> 2. A diagram outlining the building location for construction of a home on <br /> the property. <br /> 3. A request for any variances which would be required for submission to the <br /> Board of Appeals for their review and recommendation. <br /> 4. A topographical map which outlines the drainage pattern on the land and <br /> any proposed modification of the land by fill. <br /> 5. A legal description of the property <br /> Motion carried unanimously. (6-0 <br />