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MINUTES OF THE ARDEN HILLS I-694/I-35W SITE REVIEW TASK FORCE <br /> • Wednesday, March 16, 1988, 7:30 P.M. - Public Works Bldg. <br /> ROL— L <br /> Paul Malone, Peter Martin, Ray McGraw, Dennis <br /> Probst, Dorothy Zehm. <br /> Also Pre4Pn Planner John Bergly. <br /> This task force was established by the Planning Commission <br /> and charged with studying the options available to the <br /> City In directing the development of the site located at <br /> the northeast corner of the Intersection of Interstate <br /> Highways I-35W and I-694. The task force will study all <br /> the development options and report Its findings to the <br /> Planning Commission. <br /> OBJ-vim In establishing the task force, the Planning Commission <br /> provided It with a number of planning and development <br /> objectives. The development obJectives were reviewed and <br /> priorItlzed as follows: <br /> 1 . To remove existing uses that are likely to have an adverse <br /> Impact on the further development of the area. <br /> 2. To provide a safe, convenient and attractive entry to the site <br /> from Highway 96. <br /> • 3. To attract high quality development that will create a positive <br /> Image for the community. <br /> 4. To attract a 'Business Campus' development that takes full <br /> advantage of the slte's location (Interstate highways, lake, <br /> etc. ), size, and visibility. <br /> 5. To attract development of the entire acreage by one developer. <br /> 6. To Increase the potential tax return to the city. <br /> The obJectives for planning were also reviewed; they are as follows: <br /> i . To prepare a development plan in a timely manner so the <br /> advantages of current taxing and bonding programs may be <br /> pursued. <br /> 2. To have developer participation In defining and planning <br /> Improvement needs prior to the City making any committment to <br /> undertaking any such Improvements. <br /> 3. To develop plans and Implementation strategies that will make <br /> the site competitive with those of neighboring communities. <br /> 4. To provide the Intlal planning tools whereby the City can be the <br />. catalyst for cooperative planning and development. <br />