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Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Planning Commission Meeting, 4-5-89 <br /> Page 7 <br /> CASE #89-03 (Cont'd) The Planner stated the building addition will not <br /> protrude out further than the existing pick-up window; <br /> the addition will provide an additional cashier's window and a small office. The <br /> addition of the cashier's window presumably will allow 45 more cars per hour to <br /> be served than the present one window system; this should mean shorter <br /> drive-through lines, reduced emissions from idling cars and faster service. All <br /> of these will benefit the citizens of Arden Hills, nearby businesses and <br /> travelers on Arden Hills' streets. <br /> Bergly recommended approval of the minor site plan revision. <br /> Commission questioned if the addition would decrease green space on the site. <br /> Steven Halverson, owner of McDonald's, advised there would be no decreased green <br /> space on the site. <br /> Carlson moved, seconded by Winiecki,that Commission <br /> recommend to Council approval of Case #89-03, Minor Site Plan Revision for a <br /> Special Use Permit, 1313 West County Road E, McDonald's, for a six-foot by <br /> 40-foot addition to provide a cashier's window and office space, based on the <br /> following: <br /> 1. The modifications will create a healthier, safer and more convenient <br /> service for patrons and the general public. <br /> 2. The modifications are considered minor and the special use is existing, so <br /> treating the application as a site plan revision is appropriate. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. (6-0) <br /> MISC. ITEMS Commission questioned staff relative to the following <br /> items: <br /> TRAILER; KEITHSON Commission requested staff contact Marcel Eibensteiner <br /> regarding the trailer parked on Highway 96 at the <br /> entrance to Keithson Drive; Eibensteiner advised he would move the trailer within <br /> 30 days at the March Commission meeting. <br /> SIGNAL LIGHTS; Commission questioned if the signal lights at Highways <br /> HWYS 10 & 96 10 and 96 are scheduled to be changed; the Clerk <br /> Administrator stated he would contact MN/DOT to determine <br /> what is being done at that intersection. <br /> LIGHTING; DAYBRIDGE Commission questioned if the lighting at Daybridge Center <br /> CNTR. , HAML.INE AVE. on Hamline Avenue had been reduced in intensity. <br /> Bergly stated he had contacted Daybridge and shields were placed on the <br /> wall-mounted lights; no further complaints have been received at City Hall <br /> relative to the lighting. <br /> SCREENING ANTENNAS; Commission questioned if McGuire's has submitted a plan <br /> MCGUIRE'S INN for screening the satellite dish antennas in the rear <br /> parking area at McGuire's Inn. <br /> Bergly explained the reasons for delay of the plan submittal; he stated staff <br /> would contact McGuire's and request the plan be submitted. <br /> UTILITY WORK; Commission suggested staff contact utility companies <br /> EDGEWATER AVE. to inform them of upcoming street improvements so they <br /> may coordinate utility work with the City. <br /> Member Carlson advised the City staff had repaired Edgewater Avenue and the NSP <br /> crew began digging in the street shortly thereafter; suggested coordinating efforts. <br />