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JULY 5, 1989 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, PAGE TWO <br /> • regard to lot lines. Bergly noted that the applicant is requesting <br /> approval of the proposed PUD Concept Plan and Site Plan approval for the <br /> former sports club building and site. <br /> Planner Bergly then highlighted the following considerations for the <br /> proposal: <br /> 1. Appearance (site aesthetics and amenities). <br /> 2. Expansion into former sports club (currently the building interior is <br /> being remodeled). <br /> 3. Skyways (linking the old buildings with the new buildings). <br /> 4. Access (one additional access will be provided and two existing drives <br /> will be removed in 1989). <br /> 5. Development intensity (setbacks are not an issue, since new buildings <br /> or additions are on the site interior). <br /> 6. Views from the site (Building "G" will be exposed to the northwest). <br /> 7. Parking (548 spaces are hoped to be provided on adjacent property. <br /> If not available, a second level of parking will be used. City needs <br /> written documentation that this will be provided, if deemed necessary. <br /> 8. Surface water management (applicant indicated he had approval from <br /> Rice Creek Watershed District). <br /> 9. Traffic (traffic study may be necessary as parking spaces will <br /> slightly more than double at ultimate development). <br /> 10. Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW is required for projects over <br /> 200,000 square feet - this proposal will have approximately 207,600 <br /> • square feet of new floor area). <br /> 11. Site plan review for Phase I (former health club will be changed very <br /> slightly from the existing conditions). There will be minimal land- <br /> scaping in Stage I, with heavier landscaping later. Applicant will be <br /> working on interior site improvements and the loading docks will also <br /> be interior, so there won't be as much exposure to them. <br /> Planner Bergly noted that if items 7, 8, 9, and 10 above are resolved, the <br /> plan is in order. <br /> Mr. Terry Wobken. architect, reviewed the proposed drawings for the <br /> Commission and audience and stated they are in the process of demolition <br /> and renovation now, with a demolition and foundation permit. The <br /> applicant is also pursuing additional parking spaces at grade now. He <br /> noted that the exterior will be natural concrete and 50% of the office <br /> area walls will be tinted light bronze glass windows. A new pent house <br /> will contain the major ventilation equipment. <br /> Chairman Probst asked for questions or comments from the Commission. <br /> Member Carlson asked how far the parking lot to the north would be from <br /> the site. Mr. Wobken noted it was adjacent to the site. Member Martin <br /> asked if that parking area is not available, where would the needed <br /> parking area be. Wobken stated that the Building "G" area would be <br /> revised to accommodate the parking space. He also noted that the site <br /> • would contain office/laboratory/and light manufacturing uses). <br />