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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 4 <br />Ms. Lundquist said they can coordinate the two projects and work together regarding closures. <br />Mr. Johnson stated that the various stages of constructing the roundabout and opening lanes <br />throughout the process would help with this issue. <br />A short discussion ensued regarding the project on Snelling Avenue to Highway 96. It was noted <br />this is set to be a mill and overlay project and should not take long to complete. <br />Councilmember Holden stated she would rather spend the $100,000 if it means the project can <br />be completed more quickly. <br />Mayor Grant requested clarification on how additional costs would be split. <br />Ms. Lundquist indicated the additional costs would be shared and split in the same manner. <br />A discussion ensued regarding option two, which is constructing a partial bypass, and how the <br />intersection would function over the course of the project's construction should a bypass be built. <br />A discussion ensued regarding option three, which includes temporary stages of closures. <br />Ms. Lundquist stated that right-of-way work and temporary easements would be addressed in <br />January of 2023 and the bidding process takes about a month. She said a contractor could be on <br />board by the end of March. <br />A short discussion ensued about the fact that some utility work can be performed before <br />construction is fully underway, but some must wait until that time. <br />Ms. Lundquist said they would like this project to be completed before school starts in the fall <br />and that since she writes the contracts, she can include dates for the various stages of completion. <br />The Council indicated that construction hours can be extended to allow additional working hours <br />above what is allowed in ordinance. <br />Mayor Grant asked about MSA dollars for this project. <br />A discussion ensued about how MSA funding functions in general. <br />A discussion ensued about ARPA funding and other projects in general. <br />Mayor Grant reiterated that capacity at the intersection is an issue. He asked if the intersection <br />can accommodate the traffic levels during the PM hours. <br />Mr. Johnson said the traffic study shows this intersection meets warrants for a traffic signal but <br />that a roundabout would be more effective. A roundabout would have more capacity. <br />Mayor Grant asked that they quantify how much more capacity the city is gaining by installing a <br />roundabout. He asked what percentage is the City buying. <br />
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