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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—January 22,2007 <br /> • Mr. Greg Hoag stated that the City has two certified MnIMS instructor's (Assistant City <br /> Administrator and Public Works Director)on-staff. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if the City is required to participate in mutual aid requests from <br /> other cities. <br /> Mr. Judd Freed noted that the City is not obligated to participate in a mutual aid request. The <br /> City controls its own resources. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if Ramsey County has compiled a list of available generators. <br /> Mr. Judd Freed stated that Ramsey County has compiled a partial list of generators. The problem <br /> that the County is experiencing is that each generator has a different connection and is not <br /> compatible with each other. <br /> Mayor Harpstead thanked Mr. Freed and Ms. Reuter for attending the work session meeting. <br /> City staff will be scheduling NIMS training for new City Councilmembers and City staff in the <br /> near future. <br /> Comprehensive Plan Update <br /> Karen Barton, Community Development Director,provided the City Council with an overview of <br /> the comprehensive plan schedule and process. The City last updated the comprehensive plan in <br /> • 1998; therefore, our next update is due in late 2008. Staff began the update process in late 2006 <br /> and will proceed with the update process in 2007. The anticipated completion date for the <br /> comprehensive plan is late 2007 or early 2008. Because staff anticipated the need for a <br /> consultant to assist with the comprehensive plan update process, City staff has included $40,000 <br /> in the 2007 budget for the hiring of a consulting firm. <br /> Additionally, as part of the TCAAP redevelopment process, the Met Council will require an <br /> amendment to our comprehensive plan. Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. (HKGi)has been <br /> contracted by CRR to prepare the amendment for the TCAAP redevelopment. City staff was <br /> included in the selection process and concurred with the selection of HKGi as the master <br /> planning consultant. <br /> Because of the timing of both the comprehensive plan amendment and the update, staff is <br /> recommending that a dual-track process would be the most efficient method to complete both <br /> projects in a timely manner. Depending on the timing of the TCAAP project, the City may end <br /> up with two separate processes (an amendment and the update), or possibly combining both <br /> processes into one process. Since HKGi had already been contracted by CRR to complete the <br /> amendment, staff believes it would be cost effective and provide economies of scale for the City <br /> to contract with HKGi to assist with the comprehensive plan update. <br /> Staff has met with HKGi and has requested that they prepare a scope of services and estimate to <br /> assist us with the preparation of the comprehensive plan update. City staff anticipates bringing <br /> • a contract to Council in the next month for approval. <br /> 9 <br />