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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—APRIL 30, 2007 6 <br /> David Hagen, 3531 N. Pascal Avenue, handed out additional information to the Council. He <br /> thanked the staff for their efforts in this process. He stated this process has been going on for a <br /> very long time and they realize it was impossible to make everyone happy and based on that, he <br /> was requesting that their conditional use be granted based on the following finding: they will get <br /> a different RV that will meet code from tip to toe with a maximum total length of no more than <br /> 34 feet. With respect to the trees, they will plant them along the north perimeter of the fence. He <br /> stated it was his understanding that based on the denial, he requested an additional 8th finding: <br /> The camper would be no greater than 34 feet from tip to toe. He stated with this he believed they <br /> met the code. Mr. Lehnhoff stated if Mr. Hagen got an RV of 34 feet or less, the CUP could be <br /> approved. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated she was concerned about approving this because Mr. Hagen had <br /> ignored the City's request to obtain the CUP. She stated how did they know that he would obtain <br /> another camper within a reasonable time frame. Mr. Hagen responded he had been in constant <br /> contact with the City throughout the entire process. He noted the Building Official had told him <br /> that he would not qualify for a CUP because his camper was greater than 34 feet and he <br /> requested additional information. He stated he then went into the City at least three or four times <br /> trying to obtain additional information to meet the code. He stated he had been very <br /> conscientious about this and had probably made 35-40 phone calls attempting to find support for <br /> this request. <br /> Councilmember Grant stated he would like to see the Planning Commission take into <br /> consideration the two options given by Mr. Lehnhoff at tonight's meeting. Mr. Lehnhoff stated • <br /> the City had the option for a 60 day extension and this could be brought back to the Planning <br /> Commission at their June meeting. <br /> Councilmember Grant asked if the applicant could keep storing the RV until this issue was <br /> decided. Mr. Filla responded that would not be his recommendation. He noted if this was <br /> brought back to the Planning Commission he recommended a new public hearing be held. <br /> Steve Warner, 1444 Arden Oaks Court, stated it was their concern that this had been stored <br /> illegally on Mr. Hagen's property and Mr. Hagen had ignored the City's rules. He stated they <br /> had looked at this RV for six months and this was a size of the semi-trailer. He asked the City to <br /> enforce their ordinances and have him move this trailer. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember McClung moved and Mayor Harpstead seconded a <br /> motion to table Planning Case 07-006 and return this back to the Planning <br /> Commission for reconsideration of the 34-foot RV. <br /> Councilmember Grant asked if he would have to remove the RV even if it was tabled. Mr. <br /> Filla agreed. <br /> The motion carried (3-2 Councilmember Holden and Mayor Harpstead opposed). <br /> Mr. Hagen noted he believed he was out of town the first week of June. Mr. Lehnhoff <br /> responded he could request an extension in writing. <br />