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Page 5 of 6 <br /> <br />Set levy at $4,785,770 (an increase of $313,090 or 7.0% over 2022) <br /> <br />The 2022 City Tax Rate is 26.544%. The estimated 2023 City tax rate based on the most current <br />information is calculated as follows for the different tax levy increases: <br /> <br />0.0% 22.729% <br />4.0% 23.724% <br />5.0% 23.973% <br />6.0% 24.221% <br />7.0% 24.470% <br /> <br />2022 tax rates for other cities in Ramsey County are as follows: <br /> <br /> <br />Value of Value of Taxable <br />P roperty for Property for Value for $ % <br />Pay 2022 Pay 2023 Pay 2023 Pay 2022 Pay 2023 CHANGE CHANGE <br />180,000$ 207,600$ 189,000$ 422$ 462$ 40$ 9.6% <br />270,000$ 311,400$ 302,200$ 682$ 739$ 57$ 8.4% <br />384,600$ 443,600$ 443,600$ 1,014$ 1,085$ 72$ 7.1% <br />410,000$ 472,800$ 472,800$ 1,087$ 1,157$ 69$ 6.4% <br />525,000$ 605,500$ 605,500$ 1,410$ 1,546$ 136$ 9.7% <br />650,000$ 749,600$ 749,600$ 1,825$ 1,987$ 162$ 8.9% <br />CITY TAX