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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION – AUGUST 15, 2022 2 <br /> <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer David Swearingen said there are four or five lakes that <br />are labeled as impaired and Arden Hills has watershed that drains toward them. These are the two <br />that need to be addressed. They need to show progress toward remediation with the MS4 permit. <br />Eventually they will also have to address the other impaired lakes. <br /> <br />Ms. Osborn said the scope of the work would be to collect data, do a desktop analysis, field <br />reconnaissance and analysis, and a technical memorandum explaining their findings and <br />recommendations. The permit doesn’t require clean up of the lake itself, just the water going into <br />the lake. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued regarding what part of the city the storm water was coming from. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant stated the work needed to be done and it will help apply for grants. <br /> <br />B. CDBG Arden Manor Park Improvements Update <br /> <br />HR Green Project Engineer John Morast said the city had applied for a CDBG grant for <br />underserved neighborhoods to replace the play structure, look at drainage and flooding issues, a <br />possible shelter and sport court in Arden Manor. A survey was done and a Rice Creek Watershed <br />District grant was applied for. The grant wasn’t awarded but they learned about things that need <br />to happen on the site for stormwater. They reached out to Ramsey County knowing that a lot of <br />the water is coming from the TCAAP site. The thought was to figure out where the groundwater <br />is, what type of contamination is there and what may need to be remediated. The more water that <br />can be held at TCAAP, the less will come to the site and the less they have to contain and/or pass <br />through. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden thought they should talk to Alatus as they are the developer that would <br />do the grading. <br /> <br />Ms. Osborn explained the flooding that was currently happening in the park and what they looked <br />at to fix that problem. They felt there isn’t enough that can be done on site to mitigate the issue, <br />but Rice Creek Watershed District is willing to help. <br /> <br />Mr. Morast said they are waiting on Geotech results, he had received preliminary results of the <br />boring samples. There are no TCAAP contaminates in the groundwater that was sampled. Soils <br />can be re-sued on site. They can start working on the play structure, ball courts and shade structure <br />as long as they don’t increase the impervious surface. <br /> <br />Discussion continued regarding the flooding issues on the site. <br /> <br />Ms. Osborn said her hope is the Rice Creek Watershed District will fund the study, and explained <br />the analysis process. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes explained what had been done at Valentine Park to raise part of the <br />green space to prevent flooding. <br /> <br />City Administrator Perrault noted the grant money has to be spent by spring, 2023 so they <br />could replace the playground now rather than lose the money.
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