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Budget Actual $ Change % Change Budget Actual $ Change % ChangeREVENUESTaxes 3,715,930        3,763,386  47,456       101.3% 3,619,700  3,629,818        10,118       100.3%Licenses and permits 575,520            752,531      177,011     130.8% 466,350      431,628            (34,722)      92.6%Intergovernmental 147,730            160,279      12,549       108.5% 151,680      629,432            477,752     415.0%Charges for services 599,650            605,738      6,088          101.0% 540,610      356,626            (183,984)    66.0%Fines & forfeits 27,650              21,500        (6,150)        77.8% 30,030        13,581              (16,449)      45.2%Special assessments 1,060                4,514          3,454          425.9% 1,190          4,759                3,569          399.9%Miscellaneous 35,730              (3,357)         (39,087)       ‐9.4% 87,160        163,698            76,538       187.8%TOTAL REVENUES5,103,270        5,304,591  201,321     103.9% 4,896,720  5,229,541        332,821     106.8%EXPENDITURES BY DEPTAdministration 371,920            346,982      (24,938)      93.3% 350,440      314,912            (35,528)      89.9%Dispatch 55,800              54,283        (1,517)        97.3% 45,580        45,578              (2)                100.0%Elections 31,850              31,632        (218)            99.3% 23,000        25,443              2,443          110.6%Emergency Management 5,790                5,996          206             103.6% 5,840          6,308                468             108.0%Finance 185,900            150,251      (35,649)      80.8% 186,260      144,397            (41,863)      77.5%Fire 656,400            656,401      1                 100.0% 620,990      620,986            (4)                100.0%Government Buildings 197,030            176,682      (20,348)      89.7% 204,460      179,674            (24,786)      87.9%Mayor & council 73,960              67,262        (6,699)        90.9% 72,100        65,219              (6,881)        90.5%Park Maintenance 562,580            485,200      (77,380)      86.2% 486,280      378,893            (107,387)    77.9%Planning & Zoning 230,130            203,759      (26,371)      88.5% 206,210      154,972            (51,238)      75.2%Protective Inspections 347,980            614,610      266,630     176.6% 327,950      335,502            7,552          102.3%Public Safety 1,390,240        1,376,846  (13,394)      99.0% 1,338,120  1,427,395        89,275       106.7%Recreation 262,730            141,426      (121,304)    53.8% 346,940      168,895            (178,045)    48.7%Street Maintenance 755,540            618,235      (137,305)    81.8% 729,180      675,740            (53,440)      92.7%TCAAP 85,130              37,711        (47,419)      44.3% 88,110        42,707              (45,403)      48.5%Transfers out 548,000            548,000       ‐              100.0% 478,000      478,000             ‐              100.0%TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY DEPT5,760,980        5,515,275  (245,705)    95.7% 5,509,460  5,064,623        (444,837)    91.9%EXPENDITURES BY TYPEPersonnel Services 1,712,700        1,390,009  (322,691)    81.2% 1,617,390  1,467,531        (149,859)    90.7%Materials & Supplies 143,650            109,415      (34,235)      76.2% 148,450      74,654              (73,796)      50.3%Other Services & Charges 3,356,630        3,467,851  111,221     103.3% 3,265,620  3,044,438        (221,182)    93.2%Transfers Out 548,000            548,000       ‐              100.0% 478,000      478,000             ‐              100.0%TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY TYPE5,760,980        5,515,275  (245,705)    95.7% 5,509,460  5,064,623        (444,837)    91.9%2021 2020GENERAL FUNDFinal Budget vs. Actual for Years ended 2021 and 2020