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Professional Services Agreement <br />Little Lake Johanna and Pike Lake Stormwater Retrofit Analysis <br />220191 <br />09/21/2022 <br />Page 1 of 11 <br /> <br />Version2.3 02052021 <br /> <br />THIS AGREEMENT is between the City of Arden Hills (hereafter “CLIENT”) and HR GREEN, <br />INC. (hereafter "COMPANY"). <br /> <br />1.0 Project Understanding <br />1.1 General Understanding <br />CLIENT requires the consulting services of COMPANY to analyze the subwatersheds of Little <br />Lake Johanna and Pike Lake within the City for potential targeted locations of specific water <br />quality best management practices (BMP). This Stormwater Retrofit Analysis will serve to assist <br />CLIENT in implementing targeted and prioritized practices to help meet waste load allocations for <br />these lakes per their MS4 goals. The proposed scope of work will develop guidance to watershed <br />management staff in implementing targeted, measurable, and prioritized water quality BMPs in <br />the City within the watershed areas. This study will not include portions of the watersheds within <br />the cities of New Brighton or Roseville. As identified projects come out of this study, conversations <br />will take place with the neighboring cities on cost share opportunities to count toward multiple <br />MS4 permits. <br /> <br />1.2 Design Criteria/Assumptions <br />• Stormwater infrastructure data will be provided to the COMPANY by the CLIENT, as either <br />a GIS shapefile or CAD File. This information will include all catch basins, culverts, pipes, <br />pipe sizes, outfalls, ponds and ditches within the study area. <br />• As-built surveys or construction plans of existing stormwater ponds and other best <br />management practices will provide sufficient detail for modeling purposes. If data gaps or <br />quality prove insufficient, assumed dimensions and hydraulic controls will be adopted, or <br />the CLIENT will investigate the data gaps during the field reconnaissance. <br />• City land use data will be provided to the COMPANY by the CLIENT. <br />• The P8 Urban Catchment Model will be used for existing- and post-yield of Total Sediment <br />and Total Phosphorus using a representative average year based on the most current 30- <br />years of precipitation. <br />• New proposed end-of-pipe BMPs (e.g., extended detention ponds) will be modeled to treat <br />the drainage area leading to them but not include any newly proposed distributed BMPs <br />upstream of it. <br />• New proposed distributed BMPs (e.g., curb-cut raingardens) will be modeled collectively <br />for the drainage area they serve. No feasibility study will be performed for these locations. <br />• Conceptual, estimated construction costs for end-of-pipe BMPs will be derived at a <br />planning-level scale with a 30% contingency. <br />• Present Day Value costs will use spreadsheet calculators from the Water Environment <br />Research Foundation for a 30-year period of operation. Maintenance labor, materials and <br />frequency will be agreed upon by the COMPANY and CLIENT but may include obtaining <br />staff rates from CLIENT. <br />• A Technical Memorandum will be developed containing the methods and results of the <br />study and delivered electronically. <br />• All data used or produced in the analysis will be available to CLIENT upon request. <br />