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Professional Services Agreement <br />Little Lake Johanna and Pike Lake Stormwater Retrofit Analysis <br />220191 <br />09/21/2022 <br />Page 7 of 11 <br /> <br />Version2.3 02052021 <br />8.16 Reuse of Documents <br />All project documents including, but not limited to, plans and specifications furnished by COMPANY under this <br />project are intended for use on this project only. Any reuse, without specific written verification or adoption by <br />COMPANY, shall be at the CLIENT's sole risk, and CLIENT shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless <br />COMPANY from all claims, damages and expenses including attorneys’ fees arising out of or resulting <br />therefrom. <br />Under no circumstances shall delivery of electronic files for use by the CLIENT be deemed a sale by the <br />COMPANY, and the COMPANY makes no warranties, either express or implied, of merchantability and fitness <br />for any particular purpose. In no event shall the COMPANY be liable for indirect or consequential damages as <br />a result of the CLIENT’s use or reuse of the electronic files. <br />8.17 Failure to Abide by Design Documents or To Obtain Guidance <br />The CLIENT agrees that it would be unfair to hold COMPANY liable for problems that might occur should <br />COMPANY’S plans, specifications or design intents not be followed, or for problems resulting from others' failure <br />to obtain and/or follow COMPANY’S guidance with respect to any errors, omissions, inconsistencies, <br />ambiguities or conflicts which are detected or alleged to exist in or as a consequence of implementing <br />COMPANY’S plans, specifications or other instruments of service. Accordingly, the CLIENT waives any claim <br />against COMPANY, and agrees to defend, indemnify and hold COMPANY harmless from any claim for injury <br />or losses that results from failure to follow COMPANY’S plans, specifications or design intent, or for failure to <br />obtain and/or follow COMPANY’S guidance with respect to any alleged errors, omissions, inconsistencies, <br />ambiguities or conflicts contained within or arising as a result of implementing COMPANY’S plans, specifications <br />or other instruments of service. The CLIENT also agrees to compensate COMPANY for any time spent and <br />expenses incurred remedying CLIENT’s failures according to COMPANY’S prevailing fee schedule and <br />expense reimbursement policy. <br />8.18 Opinion of Probable Construction Cost <br />As part of the Deliverables, COMPANY may submit to the CLIENT an opinion of probable cost required to <br />construct work recommended, designed, or specified by COMPANY, if required by CLIENT. COMPANY is not <br />a construction cost estimator or construction contractor, nor should COMPANY’S rendering an opinion of <br />probable construction costs be considered equivalent to the nature and extent of service a construction cost <br />estimator or construction contractor would provide. This requires COMPANY to make a number of assumptions <br />as to actual conditions that will be encountered on site; the specific decisions of other design professionals <br />engaged; the means and methods of construction the contractor will employ; the cost and extent of labor, <br />equipment and materials the contractor will employ; contractor's techniques in determining prices and market <br />conditions at the time, and other factors over which COMPANY has no control. Given the assumptions which <br />must be made, COMPANY cannot guarantee the accuracy of its opinions of cost, and in recognition of that fact, <br />the CLIENT waives any claim against COMPANY relative to the accuracy of COMPANY’S opinion of probable <br />construction cost. <br />8.19 Design Information in Electronic Form <br />Because electronic file information can be easily altered, corrupted, or modified by oth er parties, either <br />intentionally or inadvertently, without notice or indication, COMPANY reserves the right to remove itself from its <br />ownership and/or involvement in the material from each electronic medium not held in its possession. CLIENT <br />shall retain copies of the work performed by COMPANY in electronic form only for information and use by <br />CLIENT for the specific purpose for which COMPANY was engaged. Said material shall not be used by CLIENT <br />or transferred to any other party, for use in other projects, additions to this project, or any other purpose for <br />which the material was not strictly intended by COMPANY without COMPANY’s express written permission. <br />Any unauthorized use or reuse or modifications of this material shall be at CLIENT’S sole risk. Furt hermore, <br />the CLIENT agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold COMPANY harmless from all claims, injuries, damages, <br />losses, expenses, and attorneys’ fees arising out of the modification or reuse of these materials. <br />The CLIENT recognizes that designs, plans, and data stored on electronic media including, but not limited to <br />computer disk, magnetic tape, or files transferred via email, may be subject to undetectable alteration and/or <br />uncontrollable deterioration. The CLIENT, therefore, agrees that COMPANY shall not be liable for the <br />completeness or accuracy of any materials provided on electronic media after a 30-day inspection period, during <br />which time COMPANY shall correct any errors detected by the CLIENT to complete the design in accordance <br />with the intent of the contract and specifications. After 40 days, at the request of the CLIENT, COMPANY shall <br />submit a final set of sealed drawings, and any additional services to be performed by COMPANY relative to the